𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟗.

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"Severus? Oh my...erm...what are you doing here?" Madam Pomfrey asked, hiding behind the door to her home.

"I need a bit of...medical assistance Poppy." Snape was just about as uncomfortable as she was, but for a different reason. She was uncomfortable because she'd just gotten out of bed and was still in her night gown, which happened to be pink and lacy and altogether something that most people would not imagine being in her wardrobe. Snape was just uncomfortable because he didn't like asking for help.

"Well, is it urgent? Or can I change first," she asked.

"By all means." Snape had absolutely no desire to look at her in that pink monstrosity. He stood on the doorstep while Madam Pomfrey ran up stairs to find something a bit more suitable for this altogether unexpected company. Snape thought her manners left something to be desired, and he tapped his foot impatiently.

"Do not follow this example, Potter," Snape instructed. "Slamming doors in people's faces, whether you are dressed appropriately or not, is not a good thing to do. It makes Professor Snape annoyed."

Harry responded to this bit of wisdom by grabbing Snape's hair and tugging it.

"We aren't playing that game, I promise," Snape said sternly, freeing his black locks from the boy's grasp and looking the hairs over to make sure they hadn't been hurt. Much to his relief they were fine, and Snape once again was grateful for the strengthening agents in his Pantene shampoo.

"No?" Harry asked, looking sad.

"That's right Potter. No pulling hair, especially Professor Snape's."

Harry nodded. "No. No, Pot."

Madam Pomfrey reappeared at the door just then and when she saw Harry in Severus' arms her eyes grew wide. "Why Severus!" she said, shocked. "Is there something you need to tell me?"

Snape rolled his eyes. "He isn't mine. I'm simply tending him for the time-being. He has a cold though, what should be done for that?"

"If you're only tending him, why are you worrying about his cold?" Madam Pomfrey asked with suspicion edging her voice.

"Because I will be looking after him for awhile, Poppy, and I would rather watch a healthy child than an ill one."

"Alright, well come on in and I'll take a look at him."

Snape stepped over the threshold and tried to avoid wrinkling his nose at the peculiar odor which permeated the air. It smelled very strongly of cleaner and floor wax and tomato sauce, which was a strange combination. Harry sneezed.

"Well, let's take a look shall we?" she asked, holding her arms out to take Harry.

Snape reluctantly gave him over. Harry leaned away from Madam Pomfrey and pushed his hand against her shoulder and made a whining "mmm" sound.

"Calm down," she said, surprised at his apparent distaste for her.

"'Nape!" Harry cried, starting to thash the way babies do when they don't want to be held.

"Shhhh,"Madam Pomfrey soothed. Then turning to Severus she said, "My my, he certainly has a strong attachment to you."

Snape tried not to look too pleased.

"'Nape..." Harry whimpered.

Madam Pomfrey sat Harry down on a small examining table and he calmed down a bit.

Madam Pomfrey looked him over and said, "Yes, it's just a small cold. I would think you would know how to cure a cold Severus? Aren't you supposed to be good at brewing potions?" she asked with a quirk in her eyebrow.

"I didn't want to give him too much," Snape said in his defense.

"Well a normal potion for a mild cold will do, just give him a smaller dose. Probably about a third of what you'd give someone older," she instructed.

"Fine. Thank you," Snape said, and he lifted Harry from the small table. Harry smiled and rested his head against Snape's shoulder.

Madam Pomfrey smiled. "He is darling, Severus, though he doesn't look a thing like you,"

"That would make perfect sense, Poppy. He isn't my child."

"Oh? Then who are you, baby?" Madam Pomfrey cooed at Harry. "Tell Aunt Poppy you're name."

"Pot!" Harry answered fervently.

"Pot? That's an odd name..." Madam Pomfrey remarked.

Snape looked slightly embarrassed. "His name is Harry," he said. Then with a nod to the nurse he left.

------------------------ ~♥~ ------------------------

While Snape worked over one of his many cauldrons in his office, Harry took a nap. Snape's mind was busy as he idly chopped the mint leaves into small, even pieces. Harry thought of himself as Potter, and Snape wondered if he ought to begin calling him Harry. It wouldn't be any good for the child to not even know his own name. Snape sighed. Then Harry it would be. He tipped the mint into the rest of the mixture which was bubbling cheerfully and as he did so he reversed the direction he was stirring. Once small purple curls of steam began to rise from the cauldron, Snape knew the potion was ready. He bottled it up and then poured a small amount onto a spoon, which he took to Harry's room, being careful not to spill. Harry wasn't sleeping. As soon as he heard Snape enter he sat right up and smiled.

"I'm only here to give you medicine, Potter," Snape said, forgetting that he wasn't supposed to call him that anymore. "You still need to sleep. I have work to do."

Harry looked confused and tilted his head to one side.

"You look like a dog. Now open your mouth," Snape instructed. He brought the spoon towards Harry's lips and Harry opened obediently.

"Yum." Snape said flatly, pouring the medicine into Harry's mouth. Harry pulled a face and pushed the spoon away.

"That's all there is Pot-Harry. Now take your nap."

Snape quickly left the room, feeling confused. Why did calling him Harry feel so different? He shook his head and returned to his office, shutting the door firmly and tried to concentrate on his work.

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