𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟓.

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The next morning Snape woke up in a very good mood. Harry had fallen asleep within minutes after being placed in his crib the previous night and Severus had been able to finish his newspaper and then fall asleep in his own bed. His back was practically singing songs of praise, it felt so good. Snape got up and dressed, and walked past the door to Harry's room. Already that's what it was. It was no longer the guestroom, or the spare room, or anything else. Of course, in Snape's mind it was "Potter's Room" not "Harry's". He gently pushed the door open and saw Harry sitting up, trying to fit the stuffed owl's face into his mouth. When he saw Snape he put the owl down, a long line of drool dangling from his chin, and held his arms up expectantly.

"That's right, Potter. Your mode of transportation has arrived," Snape said, bending over the crib and lifting Harry from it.

Snape carried Harry to the new high chair and placed him inside it. He put some food on the tray and began eating his own breakfast. Harry ate his cheerios and little pieces of banana cheerfully. Then he smiled mischievously. It was the first time Snape saw that look on Harry's face but from the moment he saw it he feared it would be a look he would see many, many times in the future.

"What are you up to?" Snape asked.

Harry took the last piece of banana in his fist and then smashed it into his thick, black hair. He rubbed it around and smiled with delight.

"That's a new hair treatment, Potter," Snape said. "Now I need to wash your hair. In fact, I believe a bath is in order."

Snape lifted Harry from the high chair and took him to the sink. Harry's face turned red and he began to squirm. Snape rolled up his sleeves and braced himself for what would surely be a tremendous battle.

------------------------ ~♥~ ------------------------

Who knew babies could put up such a fight? Snape was weary after struggling with Harry to get him cleaned up, but at last he had done it. Harry was dressed in a green shirt and blue pants and was sitting on the floor. Snape sat on the couch and watched him. The little boy was looking around at the toys Snape had left on the floor for him. Slowly he began to crawl towards some blocks. He looked over his shoulder to see if Snape was going to play too.

"Go ahead, Potter," Snape said. "Play."

Harry waited another moment, and then continued crawling. He crawled cautiously, like he thought someone was going to stop him, but no one did. He reached the blocks and began to put one on top of another. After making a small pile, he smiled and pointed to his creation.

"Good," Snape said. "Looks like Hogwarts." then he clapped his hands, feeling foolish, but remembering that he was supposed to praise Harry when he made small achievements. Something about positive reinforcement.

Harry nodded emphatically and clapped too. Then he knocked the tower over and started building again. After making a small pile he pointed at it and clapped.

"Yes, good job," Snape said and he clapped for a moment too. Harry continued that way for several minutes. Then he had a new idea for a fun game. He picked up a block and threw it. He started to clap but Snape shook his head.

"No. We don't throw, Potter."

"No." Harry repeated. It was his first word. Snape stood up excitedly then sat back down, shaking his head at himself. He had been about to go and write it down. What was happening to him?

Harry didn't throw another block, but he seemed bored with his old game. He picked up a little toy car. It was bright orange and had a big happy face on the front of it. Snape was rather unsure why everything related to babies needed to have a big grin on it but he had accepted the toy from Minerva nonetheless. The car had big blue wheels and after Harry spun them from awhile he returned the car to the ground and pushed it toward Snape.

Snape sighed and got off the couch, coming to kneel on the floor with Harry.

"Vroom." he said flatly as he pushed the car back.

Harry sucked in his cheeks and looked surprised. Then he pushed the car back to Snape. When Snape passed the car back without making a sound Harry shook his head hard, and pointed at the car.

"Did you want me to vroom, Potter?" Snape asked.

Harry smiled.

"Vroom?" Snape said, unsure why this word made Harry so happy. Harry clapped and nodded his head.

And so Snape vroomed. Each time he passed the car, he made the little vroom sound, it was monotone of course, but it was still a vroom.

------------------------ ~♥~ ------------------------

Snape was cleaning up the toys on the floor, putting them away in a big black chest he used to keep old schoolbooks in but was now going to be a toy box. Harry was napping, lying on the floor with his fist in his mouth. Snape picked him up and carried him to his room. He was about to lay the baby in the crib when Harry sighed in his sleep and snuggled his head against Snape's shoulder.

If I try to set him down now, Snape reasoned, he'll just wake up. I'll hold him for a bit. He sat down in his chair and slowly rocked back and forth. He would never admit it, or even think the word, but he was cozy. Tired from a long afternoon, Snape too fell asleep.

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