𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎.

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Sitting at the table, with his hands folded in front of him, Dumbledore listened as Snape explained exactly what had gone on at the Malfoy Manor. Dumbledore seemed pleased and smiled at Snape, but the smile was not quite as warm as it normally was. Snape detected this immediately and felt his stomach drop. They weren't out of trouble yet.

"What is is, Headmaster?" Snape asked, tone hesitant. He wasn't sure he really wanted to know.

"I'm afraid that, while you have done a marvelous job, the Death Eater threat is not quite over."

Snape looked at him quizzically.

Dumbledore continued. "As you know, not all the Death Eaters were caught. Those in Azkaban now are merely the most blatant offenders, and even some of those have managed to keep themselves out of jail."

Snape knew what was coming and he didn't really want to hear it. "Yes. And?"

"And I have discovered the location of a meeting spot for some of these people. I need you to infiltrate -"

Snape interrupted Dumbledore mid-sentence by pushing his chair back sharply and beginning to stand up. "I need to go check on Harry," he said.

Dumbledore smiled sympathetically. "You just put him down to sleep five minutes ago, Severus," he said kindly. "Please sit down. I need you to do this. You are the only one who can."

Snape sat back down. He was being silly. This was the part of his duties he was prepared to handle, it was the child rearing which was the scary prospect. "Forgive me, Headmaster," he said, tone calm again.

Dumbledore picked up where he had left off. "I need you to infiltrate their group. Some of them you know, others I'm not so sure about. Whoever they are, your mission is the same. Despite the fact that Voldemort is gone now, it doesn't mean that the Death Eaters aren't still dangerous. The Order must know what they are up to. For all we know, they could be finding ways to bring him back, he surely isn't gone for good. We need to be a step ahead of them, whatever they are planning. Can you do this Severus?"

Snape nodded. This was exactly what he had expected. Despite the Dark Lord's disappearance and apparent defeat, Snape knew his true spying days were just beginning. "Naturally, I won't be taking Harry with me," Snape said. "It's far too dangerous."

Dumbledore smiled and Snape felt a hint of panic enter his chest. "You can't be suggesting I bring him along?"

"No, no Severus." Dumbledore said, laughing mildly. "You will not be taking the boy."

"Good but...who will watch him?"

"I have it all arranged," Dumbledore said. "Teachers will have different shifts watching him during the days, and for the evening and weekends, Molly and Arthur Weasley have agreed to take care of him."

Snape didn't like this too much. How well did he know these Weasley people? They weren't people he knew well at all, but that they had many many children, and that Arthur worked for the Ministry of Magic. They were members of the Order, technically they were safe people. But Snape wasn't feeling happy about it. How well would Harry be looked after?

Apparently some of Snape's reservations showed in his eyes.

"Is there someone else you'd like to look after Harry?" Dumbledore asked kindly.

Snape didn't know how to answer without seeming overprotective or silly. "Perhaps I just feel I do not know the Weasley family well," Snape said slowly, trying not to seem too concerned.

Dumbledore smiled. "I promise you, Severus. He will be fine."

Snape nodded. If Dumbledore said it would be fine, it would be. And yet... "What if the Malfoys also spend some time with him?" Snape asked.

Dumbledore looked hesitant. "Death Eaters, Severus?"

Snape raised an eyebrow at Dumbledore's words. "They have a child his age, Headmaster. They got along well. If I send them an owl and they consent, could it be arranged for Harry to spend some time at the Manor?"

"By all means," Dumbledore answered. "You are the boys protector. I trust your judgment concerning him."

Well that was a frightening thought, and perhaps the most worrisome thing Dumbledore had said all day.

------------------------ ~♥~ ------------------------

The next morning came far too early for Severus Snape. He hadn't had the amount of sleep he would've liked, and now he was going to have to pack up Harry's things into the Essentials Kit to take to McGonnagal, who was supposed to be watching him first. Snape was to take Harry and the items to her just before he left. He got diapers, some items for teething, books, toys, and an extra outfit for Harry, plus a little bag of cheerios. Once he was satisfied that everything needed was inside, the Essentials Kit was quite full. As in, it no longer shut. Snape wasn't really bothered by this, the Essentials Kit was Minerva's problem now, not his. He set the bulging bag down on the table and sat, looking at it contemplatively. He sat, lost in thought, waiting for Harry to wake up. He knew that he technically could just get him while asleep and take him to Minerva but Snape wanted to get Harry breakfast first, and to explain to him where he was going. Snape didn't know much about children, but he knew what happened to the heart of a child once they'd been abandoned. He was not about to do that.

The sound of banging from Harry's room brought Snape reluctantly to his feet. Oh the irony. Albus assigned Snape what seemed like an impossible assignment of looking after Harry, and then as soon as Snape became assured that he could take care of the young boy, he was being forced to hand him off while Snape went gallivanting off in search of answers regarding the conquests of the dark side of the wizarding world. Harry held his hands up to Snape to be lifted out of his crib and immediately began talking to Snape in his made up language.

"That's very interesting, Harry," Snape said, after listening for a few moments. "But now I need you to be serious."

Harry regarded Snape with big, solemn eyes.

"Professor Snape has to go away for awhile. He is doing this for a very important reason and he will be back to make sure you are being brought up and educated properly. Do you understand?"

"Nape." Harry answered.

"Harry. Be a good boy. Ok? Professor Snape hasn't raised you to be uncouth or impolite. Are you ready to go?"

Harry made no answer but smiled at Snape and clapped his hands.

With a sigh, Snape got Harry dressed in black pants and the panda shirt. "You get to wear the panda shirt, because you have been a good boy lately. Behave for the others Harry. They aren't as patient as me," he lectured. Even as he said it, he realized probably everybody was more patient with children than him. But that was entirely besides the point.

------------------------ ~♥~ ------------------------

It was the longest five seconds of Snape's life...the five seconds he took to detangle Harry's fingers from his robes and hand him over to Minerva. The second Harry was away from Snape, he reached his hands out and began to whine. Snape took Harry's hands and brought his face level with the little boys.

"We have gone over this," Snape said quietly. "Professor Snape needs to go on a trip and while he is gone you need to be brave and polite."

Little tears started to form in Harry's eyes as Snape took his hands away and handed the bag of Harry's things over to Minerva.

"Good heavens, Severus!" she said. "I'll only be watching him for an hour and a half. I hardly think he needs all this!"

"It's better to be prepared," Snape said cooly. Harry was fussing reaching for Snape and wriggling in McGonnagal's arms. "I'll be back, Harry," Snape said, trying not to let Harry's tears bug him. Then to the other teacher he said, "Make sure he doesn't choke on anything."

"I'm not so inept as all that," she sniffed. Then after a moment of thought said, "Good luck, Severus. You're doing all of us an invaluable service."

Snape nodded and turned around, starting down the hall. The second his back was turned Harry burst into tears. Snape walked faster. He couldn't afford to turn around now.

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