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Thor had looked everywhere for her, in all the places and at all the sights that he might consider perfection in his realm. He hadn't found her. He'd checked her room, but she hadn't been there either. She'd known exactly what she was doing when she'd spoken to him earlier and it had worked like a charm. He had wondered if she'd fallen in love with the splendour of his room of peace, or the space of infinite dreams... but with the many rooms to explore... surely he'd find out what had made that much of an impression on her that she thanked him for allowing her to explore.

He pushed into his bedroom and froze in the doorway as he spotted Namira, sprawled in his bed. His brow rose after he shut the doors and approached the bed. Sitting down next to her a teasing smile came to his lips, "I have tried hard not to demand you find your way to my bed and yet here you are. All because of your own desire to be here."
His fingers trailed along her cheek and his smile widened as she leaned into his touch, her big brown eyes opening slowly, dazed, before fixating on him. He grinned as her cheeks flushed, "Is this where you choose to stay?"

Namira drew back from his touch for a moment, sitting up in his bed as she glanced around as if remembering where she was, "I-I didn't mean to fall asleep here..."
Thor nodded, "I'd hope not, whereas the top of the covers must be lovely and comfortable, I can assure you they're much better still when you're underneath them." Namira laughed despite herself and then turned her focus back to the question he'd asked her, "Could it be?"

He stood then, glancing around, "You are free to stay here, in my room, my sanctuary... However... it will mean you accept being in my bed, with me. I will gladly allow you the riches of my room, but I will not forsake them myself."

Her cheeks flushed at his words and Namira couldn't help but wonder if he realised how they sounded, what they suggested. She took a moment to consider the offer. It was too fast, truly, she'd never agree to such things ordinarily, but she couldn't shake that voice that pushed her, telling her she only had one week with this man, this God. She'd hold it against herself if she failed to make the most of that short amount of time.

Namira lightly smiled at him, "I would like that, yes."
A ripple went through the air, as though her agreement had been as binding as it had been when she accepted being here a week. Panic rushed through her, something Thor seemed to notice as he took another step back, "You needn't be afraid of me. I will not hurt you." There was a light pause, then he added softer, "Not when it's unwanted, anyway."

She felt that flutter of butterflies in her stomach and she was sure her cheeks were red again at this, "Were you...coming to rest?"
Thor smiled at that, nodding slightly, "I was... but I can return later." Her brow furrowed, "Don't be silly, this is your bed."

His eyes seemed to darken at those words before he moved to the bed, laying down upon it fully clothed. Namira took a moment to look him up and down, a teasing smile on her face, "Apparently... this bed is much more comfortable when you get in the bed, rather than on top of it... Or so I've been told." His lips curved into that grin again and Namira couldn't shake the urge to appreciate those lips. She flushed at the thought, "Unless my source was lying to me, of course..."
Thor laughed at her teasing words, then pushed himself back up from the bed. His eyes fixated on her as he slowly removed his armour, baring himself before her until there was nothing left but the shorts covering the last of his privacy.
He enjoyed the way her eyes trailed over his body, mapping it in her memory, worshipping it as she did. He felt the light jolt of his power in that moment and relished it, "Perhaps you should put the theory to the test yourself..."

For a moment Namira was just silent and he wondered if he'd took the playful pushing too far. He was about to apologise as he got into the bed when Namira stood up and proceeded to take off the dress she'd been wearing. She was stunning, not frail, not muscular like most of his kin, no, she was the perfection of womanhood with soft, luscious curves.
It took all Thor's willpower not to exert his dominance over her and demand his sacrifice to be fulfilled, "You are beautiful." The words left him before he could even think them true, but he meant them. He watched as her blush deepened and he saw hesitation and insecurity flicker in her eyes. He held out his hand to her then, "Please... join me."

Namira stared at the God for a moment, he'd called her beautiful but she didn't believe it. How could he call her beautiful? This God with a perfect physique, with all the choices in the world... But as he reached out his hand, she couldn't help but take it as she slipped into bed with him. A content sigh escaped her as the sheets caressed her skin, "Alright... You were right. This is better."

He grinned at her then, nodding, "You'll find I don't lie."
The words registered with her. An assurance that she could trust him, that he'd keep his word. She appreciated the gesture as she snuggled into the pillow. He turned to her then, pushing a curl back behind her ear, "During your stay here with me, in my bed... Will you let me hold you?"
Namira nodded wordlessly, but Thor wanted more, "Tell me."
She licked her lips, nodding again, "I will let you hold me when I'm in bed with you."

That same ripple went through the air, the words of dedication and submission to his wishes restoring more of his power again as he drew her into his arms.
His touch was surprisingly gentle, even though it was firm, and she found herself more surprised when his hand gently started to play through her hair as he held her against him. Their bodies connected in this moment and Namira couldn't help herself as she pressed a soft kiss against his chest, "Thank you for your honesty... your understanding."

That jolt of power she sparked again made him smile, "You're welcome Namira. Rest now, I'll keep you safe." Her eyes closed at his words. She believed him, she trusted him completely. If he told her he'd keep her safe, she was confident he wouldn't fail her. The sound of his breathing carried her to sleep quickly, his touches carrying with her into her dreams.


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