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Namira could hardly focus on the two Gods before her as they stood before the tree of life, distracted by the illusion of the two. Her mouth went dry as she watched the illusion, mesmerized by how real it looked. Her eyes took in their bodies, even as she listened to Freyr speak of how both Thor and him had to fill half the cup with their blood. Her gaze shifted to them as Thor sliced the dagger over his hand, doing the same to Freyr. Namira watched in fascination as they wrapped her hands together, creating a funnel for the blood to seep through, before her gaze again danced to the illusion.

Thor had eased back, taking Freyr with him as he went so that, as Thor know sat kneeling, Freyr's back was against his chest, riding the God of Thunder.
Namira gasped as she spotted the mark on Freyr's collar bone, the picture of Mjölnir blatant on the God's tan skin, "Why does he have your mark?"
Thor's brow rose as he glanced past her at the illusion, spotting what she did. The God didn't know how to answer her. They'd spend many moments together and it was hard to explain that despite those moments and emotions, none of that was there now. Not the same way.

It was Freyr who cut in, "Why don't we worry about details like that later, let's say when your life isn't on the line and we aren't in a rush to see you transformed?"
Namira's cheeks flushed as she nodded and turned away from the illusion to prevent its distraction drawing her attention back in, "You're right. Later."
The word was uttered in a way Thor knew Namira wouldn't forget to bring it up again after all this was done, but for now the subject had been avoided.

Freyr took the necklace off then, removing the small cork. He produced a long needle-like instrument, stirring the clotted, dried blood, breaking it apart and powdering it up. Thor held the necklace with his other hand, both making sure their blood didn't slicken their grasp.
There were noises behind the illusion, scuffling sounds, footsteps. Namira clamped her lips together as Thor pulled her closer to him.

They were so close to success, surely they couldn't fail now. Freyr changed the illusion to another position, Thor on his back and Freyr riding him, the God of Thunder's hands firmly grasping the other's ass in that same bruising manner. Their moans were loud, uncaring and Namira could hear Hel's words, "I didn't come here for this, Loki. Whatever you thought you had on them, it clearly wasn't this."

There was a spark of darkness as the woman disappeared, leaving just Loki behind.

The real Freyr poured the powdered essence into the cup of their blood before he manipulated the illusion while Thor stirred the mixture, the voice of Thor ringing out, annoyed and angrily, "I understand this is a rare sight to you, brother, I even understand you wanting to watch and learn something, but truly... Anywhere else. Anyone else. You're not helping my sex drive right now."

The deception of Freyr chuckled that same purr, moaning soft as he rode Thor faster now, "Come and join, or leave. Active participants only."

Thor handed Namira the cup, "Before you drink this, swear your dedication to whatever role you are dealt in servitude to humanity for as long as you'll be able to, then drink it all. Every drop."
His lips curved into the lightest smile, "It's a good thing you've had ample practise."
Namira laughed at that, nodding then as she spoke softly to Yggdrasil, "I, Namira, swear my dedication to whatever role you choose for me to serve, I will serve humanity in this role to my best ability and for as long as I am able."

Namira put the cup to her lips, taking a large gulp that she swallowed that horrified her. The taste was metallic, strong, the old blood leaving a bitter aftertaste.
She didn't have time to balk about it. Thor made it clear to drink it all and as she heard Loki's voice in the background, Namira was reminded that the illusion wouldn't last forever.
Bringing the cup to her lips again, she pinched her nose to block the smell, part of her taste, then drank and drank.

Loki cut through the illusion then, angry and vengeful, "I knew it. You can't trick a trickster brother, cousin... You should know better."

Namira lowered the cup then, licking her lips. Not a single drop left.
Loki flew at Namira, trying to tackle her to the floor, "I will not allow you to become one of us! A mortal pet, a whore to be used! You will not be one of us!"
His hands wrapped around her throat even as Thor grabbed hold of him, pulling at Loki's hair, punching his face, but the God of Mischief wouldn't be deterred.

Namira didn't fight him, saving her breath, her air. It was Freyr's voice that cut through the chaos, his voice loud and booming, fuelled by another illusion, "Let her go Loki. You are too late. She is one of us now."
Loki wouldn't be deterred, his hands tightening even as Thor summoned Mjölnir to his side.

Namira's skin glowed with immortal life, her energy changing. Thor's voice came next, "You'll want to stop this Loki. She's our source. You cannot make the mistake of killing this Goddess twice and expect to live."
At this, Loki paused, his hold relaxing a moment as his gaze fixated on the woman he was trying to suffocate.
His fingers released completely then, his hands pulling back as his eyes widened, "No."

Next, the God of Mischief went flying as Thor forced him off of her, away from her.
Freyr's grin widened, "Fœða Idunn."
Namira's eyes, a deep dark brown that held a golden hue now, widened at the words, at the fact she understood them now... Then her mouth parted in shock as she realised what they meant.


A/N: The next chapter will end with an important question from my part - please answer! Just a head's up! 

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