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Thor had known the others would sense his growing power, notice it in the way the weather would respond to it, he had known there'd be trouble when Loki showed up in her dream realm to try and get in. He hadn't expected it to be this soon.

Thor had wanted to bask in her company, enjoying this newfound sexual aspect to their deal, one she'd willingly excepted on her own accord. He sighed as he sat in the grand hall, watching as both Hel and Loki strode in, "Ah! 'Tis a miracle brother, you are unharmed!"
Thor's annoyance was immediate because Loki surely had known the cause and had used the loophole once installed for safety to swoop in here, "No, I'm quite fine as you can see, now you can take your leave."
Hel regarded him, her eyes aglow as she determined whether he lied. As her long black hair flowed around her as if blown by the wind, Thor felt that nerve he always felt about Helheim's keeper. Hel couldn't know about Namira.

The ghostly pale woman stepped closer, offering him an embrace that was cold and discomforting but that he returned nonetheless. She looked at him then, "Father thought you were in trouble. Loki asked me to accompany him." Thor frowned at that, "Loki manipulated you I fear, he knew I was fine."
Hel's deadly beautiful face tilted at him, then she spoke, "He believes you keep a human here." Thor's gaze shot to Loki, irritated, but Loki seemed stunned at this too. His brother quickly recovered, "I was merely kidding, daughter of mine, imagine that, my brother... with a human? He's never cared for them, let alone keeping their company."

Hel's eyes glowed as she studied him, but though Thor was sure she'd see through the lie, she didn't call her father out on it. Instead, she turned to him and inclined her head, "Then I see my presence here is no longer necessary. Be well, uncle."
Thor smiled at that, nodding, "You too." He didn't offer her another hug.
Loki grinned wide as his daughter left them, "So... A new level of fun brother? Surely you can share your plaything. I'll give you my word I'll leave her whole while we fill her."

Thor's hand was around his brother's throat before the latter could even blink, "You do not come near her. You put her at risk with this little game of yours. You will leave now."
Loki chuckled, "I see. Feeling possessive are you? You better hope, dear brother, that she won't make the mistake of inviting me in. If she does, she's mine and as you refuse to share now... so will I refuse you then. Remember this well. I will be back for her."
With those words lingering, his brother disappeared.

He heard her, sensed her, before he saw her. Her voice was soft, "I... overheard..."
Thor grinned at the words. No. She hadn't simply overheard, she'd eavesdropped on the conversation, "Your curiosity is going to get you in trouble one day."
She smiled at that, then focused her attention back on the chat he'd had with his family members, "Can you keep them out? I mean... if we... If that's how they get to come here..."
Thor drew her close to him, "There's... ways around that." Namira looked at him questioningly and he went out, "It's only an issue if it touches the air for more than a minute."
Her cheeks flushed as she considered this, "And how... would we take care of that?" Thor grinned, "I have plans for it, will you trust me to take care of this to ensure your safety, Namira?"

The way her name rolled of his tongue sent a wave of desire through her and she nodded, then realised, again, that he wanted her words, "I trust you to take care of this to keep me safe."
That same ripple again. She considered her bargaining streak with him and glanced at him, "What binds you to me the way these agreements bind me to you?"
There was but a moment of silence as Thor pressed along the nape of her neck, "You do."

Her lips parted in a silent 'oh' in response to that admission, but her mind was still racing at the risk his family had presented, "Why do they want to..." She let the words trail off but she saw the understanding in his eyes, "We all lack power. We all lack... people who put their faith in us to grant the power we need.. or want. Different types of power, Hel... she needs it to master Helheim and the spirits that linger there... Loki... Loki just wants to wreak havoc, stir up trouble. It's what he does."

He glanced at her then, "They see the effect you have on me, the power that is growing within me thanks to you... Your kind rarely provides the opportunity you did to lay a claim on them... You're a unique gift, so to speak." Namira's gaze was thoughtful as she looked at him, "And your claim on me makes no difference?" Thor smiled at that, though his gaze held an emotion she didn't quite comprehend as he answered her, "My claim on you is but temporary. One week. They'd take you and use their methods for you to accept their offers, too. If they find a way to take you, I don't know if I can keep you safe. This time, they didn't notice you here, listening in, but next time... stay in my bedroom, there's another shield there that needs my explicit permission for them to answer when they are allowed into my realm. A last measure of safety."

Namira nodded her head in understanding, "I will stay there." His lips found hers and she offered the softest moan in reply to it, pressing herself up against him, "Thank you, Thor, for ensuring my safety." The jolt of lightning drew another moan from her lips and Thor grinned, "What skill you've developed for our arrangement to work in your favour as well."
Namira smiled at that, "One must take action, especially when her partner keeps denying her the greatest wishes she has." 
Thor smiled at that, "Today. Only today."

Namira nodded, unconvinced but accepting, before she spoke softly, "Is there a way I can have you in my dreamworld? Know it's really you? I... I don't want to make a mistake."
Thor considered this, appreciating the way she wanted to make the effort to keep herself safe too, but then shook his head, "I can only be there when your thoughts call to me, when you pray to me or show worship or servitude in any way." He paused, then added, "To know it's really me, ask me your name. Regardless of whether it's my dream alternative or myself, I'll have an answer. Anyone else trying to sway you away from me will not."
It wasn't much, but it was something. Namira glanced at him, "Thank you, Thor." He smiled at that, then offered her his hand, "Let's see you fed."


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