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Namira followed after Thor, she didn't like being kept in the dark about where they were going, what secrets this room held. Her mind went to places of her darkest fantasies, wondering if he was taking her to a playroom of sorts. She knew she grew wet as she considered this, her mind recalling what it had felt like to have him fill her, what it was like to be commanded by him even as she mastered her own pleasure through his orders.
She wanted more. The ticking clock made her aware of time passing them by, of time running out to explore these things. Namira had been so lost in her thoughts and fantasies that she failed to notice Thor finally stopping, walking straight into him – again.

He grinned at her, "Want to tell me where your mind is?" Her cheeks flushed lightly and she avoided his gaze, "I... was just thinking about the time we still have."
He smiled knowingly, but didn't tease her. His hand rested against the dark oak door, "We are here. We must be silent in here."
She nodded in acknowledgement though her curiosity peaked.

As Thor opened the door and guided her in, she stared in awe at the view, they entered unto a large balcony that overlooked a river with large, very large trees on either side of the riverbank, glowing lights floating through them as if magic. There was a glow to these trees, almost magical. Her lips parted in awe as Thor moved up behind her, his arms wrapping around her as he spoke in a whisper, "That is Alfheim, realm of the light elves. My realm borders on it, separated only by the rivers between our lands."

Namira stared in amazement, impressed and stunned at the view. She narrowed her eyes as if that might allow her to spot one of the elves, but the forest seemed unmoving. She felt Thor's lips as he kissed along her neck after brushing her hair aside, whispering to her, "We must be silent in this room, on this balcony, because they are light of hearing and do not take kindly to their peace and quiet being disrupted by my realm."
Namira nodded wordlessly, her eyes taking in the scene that seemed to beckon her there as if that magical forest was her home.

She turned around in his arms, pressing a soft kiss to his lips, whispering against them "Thank you Thor for allowing me this memory." She smiled as the jolt of electricity touched her lips again, her voice still a whisper as she asked him softly, "These little jolts... How much of your power have we restored so far?"
Thor looked down at her then, his lips curving into a smile as he whispered back, "I'll show once you're ready to move from this room."
At his words, she glanced back at the forest for another long moment, before she turned back to him with a nod, "Show me."

Thor led the way, holding her hand, through Bilskirnir, going to another room. He guided her to a chair facing the balcony overlooking his own realm. As she sat down, he kissed her once then moved out to the balcony, shutting the door to it behind him. He stepped forward, his gaze up at the sky as he raised his hands. 
Namira watched as sparks of lightening danced along his body, bringing a glow to his eyes as he summoned thunder and lightning in the sky.
The sky darkened as lightening shot down from it and rain started to pour. Namira watched as Thor laughed, basking in the weather he had caused for a moment before his hands eased back down and the weather calmed as the lightning disappeared from his body.

Soaked, but smiling, he turned back to her.
Namira left her chair and made her way to him, wrapping her arms around him, "That's amazing. Does it... Is that permanent? I mean, not permanent, but ... do you still have that power now or does it disappear when you use it?"
He smiled lightly, "It disappears very, very slowly on its, or when strenuously used for long periods of time, but use like this does nothing to it. It's inherent to me."
Namira glanced at him then, "Won't others have noticed this? Wouldn't they know what that means for your power?"
His smile widened at this, "They will." Her confused gaze met his and he added, "They cannot come here without my permission, but for Odin whom still cannot enter my bedchamber, and so they can see and know, but do nothing with that knowledge."

Eased by this words Namira nodded in understanding, "I'm afraid to sleep... afraid of..." Her brow furrowed, "I don't like being unable to trust my dreams, to have to constantly question. I often dream, but I've never... It's never been like this."

Thor's hand gently came up to her face, his thumb caressing her cheek, "I wish that I could make that easier for you, but unless we block your mind completely... that cannot be done."
Thor shook his head at her hopeful gaze, "Doing so is not worth the risks that come with it. It can't always be undone." He kissed her lips then, "It's only for what's left of this week, you've done well so far."
Namira frowned lightly at this, not feeling as though she'd done well at all. Thor's hand gripped her chin, forcing her head up to meet his gaze, "Are you questioning my words, Namira?"

An unvoluntary tremble of anticipation ran through Namira's body and for a moment she considered being a brat and telling him yes just to see what lesson he'd teach her, but she didn't want to lie to him, "I believe you Thor. Thank you, thank you for supporting me."
His touch was soft then, his thumb brushing over her lips, "Good. I'd hate to have you question me. I'd hate to have to teach you how wrong you are."

Her lips wrapped around his thumb, bold and daring, still pushing him, but he only grinned in reply.
Namira was quite convinced he wouldn't mind teaching her a lesson at all.

Even worse, she was convinced she wouldn't mind either.


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