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Freyr arrived at exactly the agreed time, a large smile gracing his features, "Did you miss me?" As Thor's face twisted in anger, the God of Lust merely chuckled, "Oh come on, I'm sure you two enjoyed yourselves in my absence."

His gaze travelled to Namira, teasingly, "Am I wrong? Did you not enjoy my little gift?" As she flushed, Thor stepped in between Freyr and Namira, successfully forcing the other God back, "I told you not to touch her."
Unimpressed Freyr reached out to Thor, his hand brushing over his shoulder as though brushing away some lint, "You know I could have done much, much worse. This was but a moment's distraction that, to be frank, both of you needed."
Thor stepped back from the golden-haired God, "Your gift was unnecessary and unwelcome. Do not push your luck a second time."
Freyr's lips curved into a wicked grin, "What? You're going to spank me if I do?"
The God chuckled, then added, "You and I both know that would teach me nothing at all but to act up more."

Namira stared at the two, taking a few steps back to distance herself from the conversation before it was turned on her and she'd be forced to admit that she felt the exact same way. At the same time she wondered if Freyr spoke from experience and as she did, her mind conjured up images that sparked her interest. At the same time Freyr's gaze shot to hers as he inhaled deeply, getting an elbow to the stomach from Thor as he did before he smiled, "She'd like to see it too..."
Freyr's fingers trailed a path down Thor's chest, "Perhaps we can give her a preview to the show we have planned later tonight..." Freyr's piercing blue eyes danced over Namira's form as he teased softly, "Would you like that, little dove? To watch us? To watch as your God punishes me for not listening to him blindly?"

Namira stared at the God, unable to form words as her mouth went dry. After a moment's hesitation she offered the lightest nod, because yes, yes she would like that.

Freyr chuckled, "I see why you like her."

Thor rolled his eyes at that as he smiled, "Stop playing around, we need to work out the details."
Freyr smiled at that, "You're no fun." Still he seemed to grow more serious as he gestured to the dining table, "Let's sit. Talk."
As Thor and Namira joined him, Freyr regarded them both, "The blood in the vial has dried up, dried blood cannot be turned back into a liquid substance, it merely continues to be in this state. Therefore, we must grind it up, turn it into a power that is to be stirred into a liquid."
The words sounded reasonable, but something in Freyr's tone suggested it wasn't that straightforward. A moment later he added, "I offer up my own blood, but to work, we need some of the Æsir line as well."

Thor looked up at this, "My own." The offer came out without hesitation, without a single doubt. He'd sacrifice his own blood for her, to her.
Freyr nodded at this, then went on, "After we mix this, she drinks it all while touching Yggdrasil, the tree of life. If all goes while, that will start her transformation. During which... she'd be weak and helpless, in need of protection until the new essence settles within her."
Though Thor nodded in perfect understanding, Namira's eyes widened, "How long will this take? How... How do I know what it made me? If it worked?"

Freyr smiled a that, "You'll feel it, that essence, that power. It'll be a part of you. It'll take... time. It'll depend on how freely the power flows, if it's strengthened. There's no definite answer I can give you."

Thor frowned at this, then added, "As I said, many of our pantheons are lost. Baldur, Nanna, Nerþus, Sol, Njörður, Mímir, Kvasir, Höðr... These are just a few. What you are transformed into would be a guess, it'll be whatever area suits you most, Yggdrasil will determine your worth, your path. It's not worth to guess or suggest anything now. It'd only disappoint if it were something else."

Namira nodded wordlessly, "Will it hurt?"

Both Gods looked at each other for a moment, before Thor looked back at her, "We don't know... We... We were born into our powers, our roles, created into it, the transformation itself is unknown to us. It'd be best to assume the worst so that it can only be better than expected."
Namira nodded, even though her nerves only grew. Was it worth it? Did she really want to risk it?
As she looked at Thor, Namira realised she had no choice. He had made it clear that he wasn't about to let her go and be lost to him. His family had made it clear if she stayed in his life a human she'd end up dead because of it. Again, Namira had no choice but to sacrifice herself, her life, to Thor. Come what may, she dedicated herself to that fate, she could only hope for the best.

More confident now that she had made the choice for herself too, Namira looked at the two, "You said that... others would be waiting. That it'd take a distraction... How will you do that? What's the plan?"
At that Freyr's lips curved up into that bright smile again, "Thor and I give them a show, distract them and convince them that you're out of the picture entirely."

His fingers played through Thor's hair teasingly, "Right, handsome?"

Thor huffed out a laugh, but nodded, "We'll have to make them believe we won't be there for you, that I did gift the necklace to Freyr... We'll have to get them to leave. Then bring you in just before midnight so you can transform upon the start of a new day."

Namira nodded at that, "Alright.... Alright, let's get this done."


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