'You Will Regret Touching Him.' - Peter & Irondad

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Day 20:

"People don't change people, time does."
Blanket | Found Family | "You will regret touching them."


"Hang on; it's just a little further," MJ encouraged Peter. Well, at least she was pretty sure it was. She'd never actually made the walk to the building with Tony's penthouse before, but she knew about where it was supposed to be from where Peter had described it as being in past conversations, and so did Ned, so between the two of them, they were fairly confident that they could figure it out as they went along.

If their directions had been correct, then the building should be just around the corner. For Peter's sake, they definitely hoped it was.

Much to their relief, it was just as close as they thought it would be. When the three of them turned the corner, they saw the apartment complex come into view, and if they weren't in a rush to get Peter to Tony, they might have stopped and admired just how nice the place looked in comparison to the rest of the buildings around it.

Ignoring the stares from passerbyers, MJ and Ned helped get Peter into the building and into the elevator. When the doors closed in front of them, they finally let themselves relax a little. They'd made it. Well, they pretty much had.

Peter weakly reached into his pocket, pulled out a key card, and pressed it against the pad below the set of buttons by the door. With a high-pitched beep, the reader turned green and the elevator automatically started going to their designated floor. The seconds felt more like minutes to them, and by the time they got to their floor, they were desperate to get off of that elevator.

They also hoped to God that Tony was actually home. They knew that if he wasn't, they could just ask FRIDAY to call him for them, but they didn't want to wait any longer than they had to. Peter needed help, and he needed it now.

"Stark!" MJ yelled out into the penthouse as she and Ned resumed carrying Peter and led him out of the elevator and into the billionaire's living room. "Stark, are you home?!"

"Mr. Stark!" Ned called out.

Not wanting to wait for an answer to let Peter rest, MJ and Ned helped their friend over to the couch and gently lowered him down to sit. MJ internally cringed at the knowledge that they were probably about to get Tony's couch dirty with blood and wet from the water still dripping off of Peter, but it's not like they had much else of a choice. She was pretty sure there wasn't anything in that entire penthouse worth less than her mom's car. Besides, she was fairly certain Tony would care more about Peter being as hurt as he was than having to replace some couch at one of his many homes across the country.

A few seconds after Peter adjusted himself into the couch, footsteps could be heard running in their direction from the other side of the penthouse, and before they knew it, Tony came running around the corner.

"Who is-?" Tony started to ask, but stopped in his tracks in shock when he noticed Peter's state as the boy sat on his couch. "Peter?"

His eyes wide, Tony sprinted towards the couch and knelt in front of Peter.

"Hey, what happened, kid? You okay?" he asked, giving the boy a once-over.

"Mhm," Peter hummed, closing his eyes tight in an attempt to will his pain to a duller level. "'m fine."

"Oh sure, you're just the picture of health right now, aren't you?" Tony commented.

Peter smiled and let out a soft chuckle, but the spastic movement of his diaphragm, as slight as it was, caused a sharp pain to shoot through Peter's chest and he cringed, whimpering so softly that Tony barely heard it.

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