Matches and Scars - Brodinsons

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Day 27:

"You drew stars around my scars, but now I'm bleeding."
Matches | Scars | "Let me see."


TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of past self-harm and alcohol abuse


"...Are you alright?" Loki asked Thor.

He had initially debated going outside to check on his brother, but Thor had been sitting outside on the front steps with that same bottle of beer for about an hour now, doing nothing but staring out at the horizon line, which now contained the setting sun. Loki had originally wanted to give Thor some peace, but it was getting rather cold out, and Thor did not seem to have any intention of coming back inside any time soon.

Seemingly pulled out of his thoughts, Thor looked behind him to the door that Loki was leaning out of, and smiled solemnly back at him as if attempting to greet him.

"I'm fine," Thor said, returning his gaze out to the beautiful view of the coast that they had from their front steps. "How are you settling in?"

"Fine," Loki replied, pulling his weight off of the door frame. "Though I'll admit, being alone inside whilst you sat outside sulking was not how I pictured our first night finally reunited would go."

"I am not 'sulking'," Thor's lips curled up into a small smile. His head turned to meet Loki's gaze as Loki took a seat next to his brother on the steps. "I'm just...thinking."

"About anything in particular?" Loki asked.

"Just...everything," Thor said. "I apologize; I did not intend to make you feel abandoned. To be honest, I did not even realize I was out here for that long. It truly is beautiful out here. I am surprised we didn't visit Midgard more often as children."

"That's because you always insisted we go to Vanaheim to visit Hogun," Loki teased.

Thor chuckled softly. "That is true. I wish I could have been convinced to go elsewhere. I really feel as if I have missed too much of the realms."

"It wasn't for lack of trying," Loki muttered, to which Thor smiled. "But it's all right, I did not feel 'abandoned', so to say. Just...a bit lonely, I suppose."

Thor nodded. "I'm sorry, brother. And please believe me when I say that words cannot describe how overjoyed I am to see you again after so long, but...I cannot help but feel overwhelmed. It's silly, I know, but I cannot help but feel as if I have just brought home a ghost. To be honest, I keep feeling as if I have to reach out and touch you to make sure that you're not one."

Loki nodded. He didn't quite know exactly what his brother was feeling, but he had some idea. Obviously he had never had an instance when he thought Thor was dead, but for a long time, he thought he was never going to see his brother again. He, too, had to constantly remind himself that he was actually back and that this wasn't all a dream, because it all seemed too good to be true.

Loki had not been at what he considered "home" and felt like he was truly where he was meant to be in, well...over a decade, probably - not since he found out his true heritage. He had come close to it on the Statesman, but even then, he did not fully feel like he belonged. Even now, he still had his doubts, but this felt different, and he didn't entirely know why.

With a sympathetic smile, Loki reached over, placed his hand at the base of Thor's sleeve, and gave it a firm, but gentle squeeze. "I assure you, I am here, brother. And I'm not going anywhere."

"That's what you said last time."

"I believe I also said that the sun would shine on us again. And look-" Loki used the hand that wasn't on Thor's arm to point out towards the setting sun. "-there it is, bright and shining on us once more."

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