'Watch Out!' - Tony

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Day 22:

"They never saw us coming, 'til they hit the floor."
Glass Shard | Vehicular Accident | "Watch out!"


"Wanda, I think you hurt Vision's feelings," Tony said, hovering a good twenty feet above the ground.

"You locked me in my room," Wanda replied with a scowl.

"Okay, first, that's an exaggeration," Tony defended himself. "Second, I did it to protect you. Hey, Clint."

"Hey, man," Clint replied, his bow at the ready, but aimed at the ground to appear less threatening.

"Clearly retirement doesn't suit you," Tony commented. "You got tired of shooting golf?"

"Well, I play 18, shot 18. Just can't seem to miss." Before Tony had a chance to react, Clint raised his bow and let off a shot. The arrow was just off to the side enough that Tony was easily able to move out of its way and fire his blaster at it, thus destroying the arrow.

"Well, first time for everything," Tony retorted.

Clint tilted his head to the side slightly and let a small smile emerge onto his lips. "Made you look."

Almost immediately after the words left his mouth, he heard the faint voice of someone yelling, "Watch out!" though he couldn't tell who, and he didn't have time to care, because in the .5 seconds he'd taken to look in the direction of the voice, a car came slamming down on Tony's right side. When he looked up, he saw about four or five more barreling towards him, all with a shimmer of red around them.

Tony did his best to dodge the onslaught of motor vehicles being thrown at him by the witch, but there was only so much he could do when the five or so vehicles became a dozen, and then even a few more got added into the mix. It wasn't until he saw two cars land on either side of him and looked up to see another one about to land in front of him that he realized he wasn't going to make it out of this unscathed. His eyes widening with fear was the last thing he had a chance to do before he felt the weight of one of the cars fall onto him and press him into the ground.

The first impact hurt, and he was sure he had more than a few bruises. The second impact forced the air out of Tony's lungs. When he felt the third impact, he heard a loud crack come from below him.



Had it come from inside of him?

Sure he was hurting, but to the point of something inside of him breaking? Surely that had to have been something else - his suit, perhaps. Almost immediately after he thought that, the initial shock seemed to have worn off because a sharp, burning sensation began growing in his chest.

"Multiple fractures detected," Tony heard FRIDAY's voice in his ear.

"Yeah, I detected that, too" Tony barely managed to groan out. "And heard it."

He made a mental note not to talk anymore, because using that energy only seemed to anger whatever injury he had sustained.

"Tony?!" he heard Steve's muffled voice call out from beyond the wreckage. Wait, Steve? When had he gotten here? Wasn't he over on the other side fighting T'Challa?

Tony didn't think he could answer the captain if he tried, so he decided to ignore him. Instead, he mustered all of this strength and said to FRIDAY, "Call for help."

"On it, boss."

Seconds later, Tony felt the weight of the cars on top of him lift, and if he could have let out a sigh of relief without further aggravating his chest, he would have. On instinct however, he took in a deeper breath to make up for the lack of oxygen he'd been able to take in for the last few seconds, and he instantly regretted it. His chest tightened, and along with that tightness came an increase of his pain.

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