Chapter 5: Fight Club

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A/N: Probably a shorter chapter this time, kinda burned out, sorry, I'm gonna take more breaks when writing from now on instead of doing it all in one sitting as doing the latter is super tiring. Anyways, enjoy

Kienzan, Ryuko, and Mako had just gotten out of class and were heading toward the courtyard to eat lunch when Kienzan decided to speak, "So, what exactly are we going to do about this whole 'every club is after our heads' thing? Like, we can't just fight them off forever." Ryuko simply shrugged and sat down, pulling out her lunch. Kienzan and Mako did the same, with Mako somehow fitting an entire fucking Bento Box in her bra, which had Kienzan completely bewildered at such a thing being possible. Before they could eat, though, a knife flew straight into the croquette Ryuko was about to take a bite out of. She stood up quickly and spoke with an enraged tone, "Alright, who the hell was that!?" Suddenly, a man appeared from behind a wall, who had a two-star uniform on with at least a dozen knives stabbed into it.

He started to introduce himself, but Kienzan just lazily threw a destructo disc at him, tearing his uniform to shreds. Two other club captains came, both leading very obscure clubs. Ryuko easily defeated them both with one shot and sat back down. "Man, what's with all these weird clubs?" "Oh those guys all used to be the athletics club, but they broke up because of you," Mako responded. "Because of me?" "Yep! You have to be a club captain to have a two-star uniform, and if anyone beats you they get a three-star uniform." "Is that so?" Kienzan asked. "We could totally manipulate that." Ryuko looked at Kienzan. "That's a good idea"...


Ryuko slammed down a sign that read "Fight Club" and sat down in a chair next to a table. "This is a terrible fucking idea." Kienzan exclaimed. Suddenly, Gamigori appeared in front of the three, with a frown on his face. "What is the meaning of this Matoi? Do you really think a club like this will get approved?" Just as he finished speaking, a familiar bright light shone down from the skies and Satsuki was there. "I approve of this fight club of yours. I see you've fallen into my system, Matoi?" "Like hell I have, I'm gonna tear it apart and bring it all down on you!" Satsuki just smirked, "I look forward to seeing you try."

And so the gauntlet began, with Mako having the position of club president forced onto her once Ryuko saw all the responsibilities she would've had to take on. In just a few short days, Ryuko and Kienzan had completely taken out nearly every club in the school, with both of them being completely exhausted by the end. Mako had...changed, and not for the better. She had a far more formal outfit on now, and a more rich and serious personality. The Mankanshoku's living conditions had also been raised to a two-star suite, and along with it had come a large flow of money, and a disgusting change in their personalities. Kienzan and Ryuko were at the dinner table eating alone, as everyone else had left for their own arrangements. Mako came into the room from who the hell knows where and spoke, "Ryuko, Kienzan, don't forget you have training at 6 am sharp tomorrow morning, after that, a 40-kilometer run, and then it'll finally be time, that we challenge the Elite Four! AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Mako started laughing maniacally before exiting the room, and Ryuko and Kienzan sighed heavily. "This doesn't feel right at all..." Ryuko said solemnly. "Yeah, I agree. Mako's entire family has lost their spark of happiness, hell even the dog isn't as energetic anymore." Kienzan and Ryuko looked at each other and already knew the other was thinking. It was time to put an end to this fight club.


"Finally! The day has come, that we challenge the Elite Four!" Mako started cackling at the thought of so much power, but before she could go fully insane, two envelopes slapped into her face. Ryuko and Kienzan stood facing her, both being the source of the thrown envelopes. "What are these?" Mako questioned. "They're our resignation letters," Ryuko said, "We're quitting the fight club." "WHAT!? But you can't quit now!" Kienzan stepped in, "Look at you Mako, what happened to that happiness you used to radiate all the time? What happened to the innocent smile always plastered on your face? All of it's been lost to your greed, and it's time you got rid of this greed. Give up the fight club Mako, I'll go back to the slums if it means getting the old you back" Mako seemed to pause for a moment, but then gained a furious look, "NO, NO WAY I'M EVER GOING BACK TO THE SLUMS, ABSOLUTELY NO-" Mako got cut off by a wardrobe falling from the sky and knocking her down. "Mankanshoku," Satsuki spoke from high above, "If you wish to keep the lifestyle you have worked oh so hard for, defeat Matoi and Masenko and you will be rewarded with unfathomable riches beyond your wildest dreams." Kienzan scoffed, "There's no way she's gonna fall for tha-"


"Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me. Fuck it, Ryuko I call dibs." Ryuko just snickered, "You do you my guy." Mako then lunged at Kienzan with her first reeled back, "SAY YOUR PRAYERS KIENZAN!" Kienzan narrowly dodged the attack with flawless precision and jumped back to put some space between him and Mako. Mako took no time turning around and tossing a flurry of various golden weapons at Kiezan, who deflected them all before transforming into Super Saiyan 2 with a crackling scream. Mako's family had just arrived, and much to Kienzan and Ryuko's annoyance, instead of trying to talk some sense into Mako, they began cheering her on. Kienzan, who was more than done with this fight already, raised his fist into the air, encasing it in a golden shine, and lunged at Mako. She fired a rocket from her bat to try and slow him down, but he jumped right over it and was headed right for Mako.

But, something was different. Kienzan didn't have that normal playful feeling he normally had during fights. He looked dead serious. He was going to knock as much sense as he could into Mako, regardless of what it took. "I don't care what it takes Mako, I'm going to bring you back! GOD BIND!" He yelled as slammed his fist into Mako's gut, freezing her in place. He then kicked her up into the air, crossing his arms together before letting out a deafening roar as he raised them both straight up, "METEOR EXPLOSION!" A pillar of energy erupted under Mako, setting off a spectacular explosion. Ryuko began getting worried that Kienzan was going too far, but she REALLY started panicking when he cupped his hands and set himself in a familiar stance.

"This is what true Saiyan power looks like. OBSERVE CLOSELY SATSUKI, AS THIS VERY SAME MOVE WILL BE YOUR DOOM!" A load of energy began to collect between his hands as Satsuki looked on in interest and Ryuko looked on in fear. Kienzan moved his hands behind him as he began to speak, "Kaaaa...Meeee..." "WAIT KIENZAN, I THINK SHE'S HAD ENOUGH!" Ryuko cried out, but Kienzan didn't listen, as he was far beyond reason at this point, "HAAAA...MEEEE..." Kienzan finished charging his attack, as Mako could only look in nothing but pure terror. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" Kienzan shot his hands out in front of him, and a beam of pure destructive energy flew straight toward Mako with an explosive sound. Mako just barely managed to jump above the beam, but Kienzan was a step ahead, appearing behind her and slamming his heel onto the back of her head full force, sending her barreling toward the earth, slamming in to the ground with a deafening boom. Kienzan breathed heavily as he descended from the sky, landing next to the crater he slammed Mako down into. He untransformed and found Mako lying in the crater, unconscious. He carefully picked her up and floated over to Ryuko, who looked worried sick. He reassured her that Mako would be okay, and handed her to Ryuko. He glared at Satsuki before taking his leave alongside Ryuko. Satsuki had a grim look on her face before walking back into the student council room. The Mankanshoku slowly began to make their way back home to the slums. It seems...that no one won today.

Word Count:1460

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