Chapter 8: Sudden Death Run-Off

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Ryuko and Kienzan stood facing Gamagori across the arena for a few moments as he stood there, not activating his uniform much to Ryuko's annoyance, "Well!? Are we going to fight or not!?" Ryuko yelled irritated. "No! We shall stick to the agreed-upon schedule and begin the battle at 1 p.m.!" Gamagori pointed to the clock on the side of the arena that read 8:55 a.m. "That's like 3 hours, there's no way I'm waiting that long." Kienzan said, before hopping away toward the Mankanshoku residence with Ryuko following close behind.


It was now lunchtime, and Ryuko, Kienzam, and Mako were eating in the courtyard. While Kienzan and Ryuko were discussing their plan against the Elite Four, a figure approached from the school's entrance. It was Mikisugi. "Well hi there Mr.Mikisugi! How are you?" Mako asked excitedly. "Oh, I'm just fine Mankanshoku!" Mikisugi said before stabbing a pin into her forehead, freezing her in place. "Hey, what the hell!?" Ryuko yelled angrily, worried that Mikisugi hurt Mako. "Relax. It's harmless, I just need some privacy while saying something." Mikisugi said. "Well get on with it then," Kienzan said impatiently. "Drop out of the fight with the Elite Four." Kienzan and Ryuko looked at him like he was crazy. "No way!" They both said. Mikisugi frowned, "Trust me, you two don't know what they're capable of. Fighting all four of them in a row, hell, I can't imagine what could happen to you." Ryuko stepped forward and glared at him, "Are you gonna tell me everything you know about my dad?" Mikisugi stayed silent. "Exactly, beating those chumps is the only way to learn more about my father's death, so if you know what's good for you you'll stay out of my way!" Mikisugi sighed in defeat, "I knew I'd never be able to convince you to drop out. Just try not to get too hurt out there." Mikisugi then pulled the pin from Mako's forehead and took his leave. "Awhh, he's gone already!" Mako whined.

Meanwhile, Kienzan looked down at the earrings in his hand. He tried his hardest to remember what they were for, but it seemed he could never fully recall just what their purpose was. Regardless, he slipped them back into his pocket and prepared for their battle with the elite four.


Kienzan asked Ryuko if she'd be okay fighting the first two on his own, to which she agreed and asked why. "If I can get just a little bit more image training in, I think I can really master the new power I've unlocked. Trust me, it'll be worth it." Ryuko nodded and hopped into the arena where Gamagori awaited. The air thickened as the two fighters stared each other down. The clock ticked to 1PM and Satsuki opened her mouth, "Begin!" She yelled as Ryuko activated her uniform alongside Gamagori. Then they got right back to staring each other down. Gamagori was the first to grow impatient., "Well? Are we gonna fight or not?" He asked. "Yeah of course," Ryuko replied. "Then, why aren't you attacking me?" He questioned in annoyance. "You guys all seriously think I'm stupid, don't you? I saw how your uniform worked already. If I don't attack you, you can't fight. You're the stupid one now." Ryuko said proudly. Gamagori just scoffed. "If that's truly what you believe, then you are the stupid one!" He yelled, as some of the bandages on his uniform fell loose and started whipping him. "If no one disciplines me, I shall discipline myself! That is the rule I live by! It doesn't matter if you don't attack me Matoi, I get stronger by the second!" Gamagori's uniform transformed into its second stage and all the bandages were now whipping Ryuko all over the place. Kienzan frowned, "Come on Ryuko! Are you even trying? You can do way better than this!" He yelled from the pillar he was sitting on. Eventually, the bandages let up, and Ryuko clicked her tongue in annoyance at her current situation. "Guess I only got one option!" She charged in with her scissor blade extended. "Finishing Move: Sen-I-Soshitsu!" She swung her sword straight through Gamagori, but after a few moments he turned around and his uniform only got bigger. "What!?" Ryuko yelled in annoyance. "My uniform is made of highly reinforced cloth, so there's nothing for you to slash on the surface!" Gamagori exclaimed, before letting his bandages run rampant once more.

Ryuko breathed heavily as she had sustained some incredibly painful injuries. "The toad's brows seem to be more furrowed than usual" Inumuta stated. "That's 'cause he's fighting in front of his queen. He's giving it all he's got." Jakuzure responded. Gamagori jumped in front of Ryuko and pulled out two massive molds. "I'm going to shape you into a proper student!" He yelled as he slammed the molds together, squeezing the life out of her, "How dare you wear such a disgusting uniform! It's an insult to Lady Satsuki!" "Oh, so she's an exception!? She dresses just like me!" "Lady Satsuki's divinity makes it acceptable!" "Acceptable my ass!" Ryuko deactivated her uniform, freeing herself from Gamagori's clamp. "Well, I suppose that's somewhat of an improvement of your attire. Maybe you're starting to listen after all!" Gamagori exclaimed "Oh put a sock in it! Hey Senketsu, I'm gonna try something crazy, alright?" "Understood" Gamagori readied himself, "You'll learn manners, at the end of my whip!" Gamagori shot out a whip from his...crotch area...ok then, Ryuko grabbed onto it as Gamagori retracted the whip, trapping Ryuko in his uniform and squeezing her against himself. "It's over Matoi, you won't be escaping this time!" "Well, looks like it's over..." Inumuta stated. "Yeah, for Gamagori that is." Sanageyama stated. Inumute and Jakuzure just realize what the issue was, and Satsuki just sighed. "You're a fool, Gamagori." Ryuko bit the syringe on her glove and activated her uniform, but this time it was different. She bursted out of Gamagori's hold, and Senketsu was covered with spikes. "Senketsu: Senjin!" 'It can transform? Interesting...'Kienzan thought. Ryuko charged at Gamagori as she readied her scissor blade, "Now your fibers are exposed, you're through! Finishing Move: Sen-I-Soshitsu!" Ryuko sliced straight through Gamagori's uniform in a brilliant flash, successfully defeating the first elite four member. Gamagori kneeled down in defeat. "I can't accept this, I CANNOT LIVE WITH THIS SHAME!" He pulled out a small knife and attempted to end his own life, but Satsuki had come down to the arena to stop him. "It's too early to kneel in defeat. Now wipe away your tears and get up." She walked back up toward the top of the school as Gamagori made his way down to the bleachers. "Would you look at that Satsuki! One down, three to go!" Ryuko exclaimed proudly. Satsuki didn't react, and Inumuta made his way down to the arena.

"I shall be your next opponent Matoi, I look forward to seeing how you perform." He said with a hint of excitement. Before the battle could start though, Kienzan jumped in between them. "Hold it. I changed my mind, I'm gonna fight you myself." He said, full of confidence. "It seems I've finally finished what I needed to do, and if it's data you want, then I'll give you one hell of a report." Ryuko scoffed in annoyance but jumped back to her pillar anyways, allowing Kienzan and Inumuta to fight head-to-head. Unbeknownst to Inumuta, however, the fight wouldn't be much of a fight at all. "Begin!" Satsuki signaled the start of the battle, and Inumuta transformed first, "Three Star Goku Uniform: Probe Regalia!" He started making weird poses and typing on keyboards all around his body. Kienzan took a stance and smirked, "You ready? You better hope your cords don't twist up from this!" He started charging his energy with a deafening scream. His hair turned golden and eyes green, but he kept raising his power. " this is the true power of a Saiyan! Inumuta said in awe. Kienzan's energy kept climbing higher and higher, seemingly never ending as he roar of power got louder and louder. Soon, his energy exploded in a destructive shine of light, and Kienzan emerged, boasting a serious look and long golden flowing hair. Inumuta's uniform started sparking as the power Kienzan was giving off was far too much for his data receptors to handle. "W-what...what are you!?" He asked in fear, and Kienzan just smirked. " a Saiyan warrior, and this. This, is Super Saiyan 3!" he roared, as he flew towards Inumuta at light speed, "Now, fall by my hand! DRAGON FIST" Kienzan slammed his fist into Inumuta's gut, sending him flying back as a golden dragon aura swirled around him and caused a massive explosion, obliterating Inumuta's uniform in one hit. "G-gah! I-impossible!" Inumuta gasped, before falling unconscious. Everyone looked in amazement as Kienzan sighed and reverted back to base, "Tch...not even a challenge."

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