Chapter 13: So The Onslaught Begins

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Kienzan stood face to face with Ragyo, looking at her with a confident face. "You've lost, Ragyo. Give it up already." Ragyo clicked her tongue in annoyance at Kienzan's words but then smirked as she looked toward Satsuki. "The great Ragyo Kiryuin...will never fall so easily!" She yelled, before jumping up and zooming toward Satsuki. "H-hey! Kiryuin, look out!" Kienzan warned Satsuki, but he was too late as a distracted Satsuki was stabbed by Ragyo and ripped from her Kamui. "How trivial, to think after all this time you still can't truly wear Junketsu." What a shame, one that I shall remedy!" Ragyo put Junketsu on and activated it instantly, as the Elite Four attempted to attack her but were easily knocked away. Ragyo looked down at an irritated Kienzan. "Don't think you'll be winning this any longer boy. Your time is up." Ragyo hissed before hurtling down with a massive kick that Kienzan barely dodged. "Well...I suppose this makes things more interesting if anything." He said, readying himself. They stared each other down momentarily before Ragyo sprinted toward him and threw a flurry of punches that Kienzan managed to dodge. "You may be faster, but putting on a Kamui doesn't teach you anything about Martial Arts!" Kienzan slipped behind her and slammed his elbow into her liver, sending her flying back. She regained her footing and held her side. "Little brat..." She cursed under her breath, before sticking her hand out and firing a fucking laser at Kienzan. "Guess I should return the favor! KAMEHAMEHA!" He countered with his own beam and the two clashed, canceling each other. "Alright, that's enough of this. I'm ending this now." Kienzan spread his hands out and aimed toward Ragyo. "FINISHING MOVE; FINAL KA-" Before Kienzan could finish, Satsuki had pressed a button, and the entire courtyard had begun exploding. "Shit! I didn't think Satsuki had this kind of measure!" Kienzan quickly rushed over to Ryuko, grabbing her before teleporting to Mako and grabbing her and her family, and teleporting to the highest place he could.


"Well, didn't expect to see you again Kienzan. I'd assumed you were done with your training." A small green creature said. "Yeah well, the situation is getting dire, what do we do now Dende," Kienzan said, fed up with missing his opportunity to finish off Ragyo. Dende was only about chest height to Kienzan, with green skin and two green antennae protruding from his head. Dende walked over to the edge of the lookout and peered down at the earth. Nearly all of Japan was covered in...well, COVERS, floating suits of life fibers. "I see...this truly is a most perilous situation." Kienzan walked over to him and spoke. "Everyone who the COVERS haven't taken yet has been down there fighting, yet to no avail as we haven't located Satsuki yet." "My best guess is that she's being held captive at Honnouji," Dende said, turning around to face Kienzan and a sleeping Ryuko. "You two must lead an attack on Honnouji to retrieve Satsuki Kiryuin. She will be an invaluable asset in defeating Ragyo." Kienzan and Ryuko nodded as Kienzan grabbed everyone and teleported down to the surface. Meanwhile, in a cage room in Honnouji, Satsuki floated tied to the ceiling by her wrists. She ground her toenail against the floor with a determined look on her face. "...It is almost time."


Everyone sat inside what appeared to be a control room as Inumuta typed away and began explaining the situation. "I managed to get into the Academy's camera system and have located Satsuki." "Well!? Where is she!?" yelled Sanageyama. "As I suspected, she's being held captive in Honnouji." Replied Inumuta. Kienzan stepped forward. "In that case, I'll go to assist with her escape." "Ooh! Bring me, bring me!" Yelled Mako, tugging on Kienzan's hand. "Normally I wouldn't, nor would any rational person, but I think it might be a good idea to bring you along since Ryuko is still unconscious and I have a solid enough plan." "Are you crazy!?" Mikisugi shouted, but Kienzan stared at him with a look that shut him up. Kienzan grabbed Mako's hand and vanished from everyone's sight in an instant.


Kienzan and Mako stood at the entrance of the COVERS-infested Honnouji Academy. Kienzan looked toward Mako, "Here, take some of my energy Mako, at least like that you'll be of some help." He held his hand out and gave some of his energy to Mako, and out of nowhere her two-star fight club Goku uniform appeared on her. "Woah, my uniform is back!" Mako said in surprise. Kienzan smiled before turning back around and charging directly in. "I'll hold off these clowns, you go grab Satsuki!" "Aye aye, captain!" Mako dashed in fearlessly, ready to take on the world. Kienzan turned his attention to the COVERS and grinned. "I'm going to enjoy this!" Meanwhile, Mako was dashing through the halls trying to find where Satsuki was locked up when speaking of the devil, Satsuki came zooming around the corner after slicing up multiple COVERS with her fake toenail. "Mankanshoku! Take me to where Masenko is!"

"This way Lady Satsuki!" Mako led Satsuki out to the courtyard where Kienzan was now fighting Nui for the 3rd time in the last month. "When will you learn you pretty pink cocksleeve! You can't beat a god!" Kienzan yelled before dodging a slash and teleporting behind her. "Now, it's time for you to suffer the consequences of challenging a divine being! SPIRALING CORKSCREW SLA-" Before Kienzan could finish, numerous life fibers wrapped around his arms and began to lift him. "Wha-, what the hell!? "AHAHAHAHAHAHA. YOU'VE FALLEN INTO MY TRAP NOW BOY!" Ragyo and Nui had baited Kienzan into position to be latched by a COVER. "Damnit! Mako put this on your left ear!" Kienzan threw one of the earrings at Mako, who put it on her left ear, and he put the other earring on his right just as he was fully absorbed. "NO!" Satsuki yelled as they lost their strongest fighter. Or so she thought, till Mako zoomed up toward the COVER and it exploded on impact. "What!?" Ragyo yelled, as a massive shining explosion blasted everyone away. A beam of energy exploded as a figure wearing both earrings descended, their hair a wild mess. Satsuki, Nui, and Ragyo all looked with mixed feelings of anticipation and fear. "...ALRIGHTTT!" The figure stood up, a massive shit-eating grin on his their. "Tch, and who are you?" Ragyo asked in annoyance. "I am the result of Mako and Kienzan fusing with the Potara Earrings, Kienshoku! And I'm the one who's going to stop you!" With a thunderous roar, Kienshokus's hair glowed red. As the burst of power died down, Kienshoku stared down Ragyo. "Let's have fun with this, shall we?"

Kienshoku zoomed toward Ragyo at blinding speeds and landed an explosive punch to the gut before following up with an axe kick to the head, sending her careening down to the ground. They quickly teleported behind Nui and roundhouse kicked her to where Ragyo was lying. They fired a flurry of ki blasts toward them, sending them both up into the air before zooming over and throwing them back down. "I didn't come to kill you, so I'll try and make this as painless as possible! No promises though!" Kienshoku teleported far up into the sky and began charging up an attack. "A little going away gift! BIG BANG KAMEHAMEHA!" They fired a massive beam of energy, detonating on impact with Ragyo and Nui and nearly obliterating Honnouji in the process. When the smoke cleared, neither Ragyo nor Nui were anywhere to be found. Kienshoku landed and dusted themself off. "It's just too easy sometimes..."


Kienzan and Mako had just made it back from their rescue of Satsuki, and arrived to see everyone out on the battlefield surrounded by COVERS. "Oh well this is just a lovely thing to come back to, can a god not get some relaxation time around here?" The COVERS began to make a deafening screeching sound, irritating the ears of everyone nearby. He was about to step in and help until all of a sudden, a massive slash of energy destroyed a massive chunk of the COVERS. Nearby stood the culprit, a now awakened Ryuko.

And she was anything but happy

"Would you bastards just SHUT UP!?" She swung her sword again, taking out all of the remaining COVERS instantly, not even wearing her kamui mind you. Everyone watched in awe as the dust cleared. Kienzan walked up to Ryuko, staring into her pissed off gear-eyes. "I already know what you're planning to do." Ryuko's eyes widened ever so slightly. "All you want to do is kill Ragyo and Nui once and for all. Of course, in your current state. That's an extremely stupid ass decision. But, frankly, I don't feel like stopping you. Do what you want." Kienzan walked away, leaving Ryuko speechless but understanding. Everyone else was shocked at how Kienzan treated the situation, but weren't up to objecting. Ryuko took off toward Honnouji in hopes of killing Ragyo and Nui as Kienzan walked toward Mikisugi. "Yo teach, I think it's about time you reveal our 'secret weapon'." "I agree. Keep your socks on folks, and be ready to be mesmerized!"

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