Chapter 12: Festival of Gods

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Soroi, the Kiryuin family butler, handed a phone to Satsuki who dialed a number into it and put it up to her ear. "Yes...all the schools in the Kansai region are under our control...yes...ok, thank you, mother." Satsuki ended the phone call and sighed heavily as Nonon approached her. "So it's finally that time?" Satsuki nodded. Just above the student council room on the roof of Honnouji Academy, Kienzan sat with his legs dangling over the courtyard, a smirk on his face.


Kienzan was in the household he earned from his combat test, and he was just about to call it a day for training and go to sleep when he got a knock at his door. "It's nearly midnight, who on earth is knocking at my door at this hour?" He went to open it revealing a girl a little taller than he was, dark-skinned, and wearing rainbow-tinted glasses. She had slicked-back hair and was holding a box in her hands. "Greetings Kienzan Masenko. I am Rei Hōōmaru, personal assistant of Ragyo Kiryuin, head of the company REVOCS." Kienzan's brows furrowed as he thought to himself, 'Kiryuin? Must be Satsuki's mom.' "She has instructed me to give you this outfit for the upcoming festival at Honnouji. She wants you to feel honored, she has observed your fights and deems you worthy enough to be her guest of honor." Rei said in a monotone voice. "Uhm...ok," Kienzan replied, confused but taking the box nonetheless. He said goodbye to Rei and went back to his room. He opened the box and inside resided a full suit. What threw Kienzan off though was the two eyes on the chest that looked a lot like the eye on Senketsu. "'s not terrible though, I guess I can wear this. I'll keep my other clothes though, just in case." Kienzan closed the box and set it under his bed before climbing under the covers and falling asleep.


Kienzan and Ryuko were flying toward the school as fast as they could. They both woke up late and ran into each other on the way. Mako, who had gotten there already, was waiting for them in the stands. Meanwhile, the whole courtyard had been transformed into a fashion walk stadium packed to the brim. Ryukko and Kienzan looked around in awe, but before long a helicopter soared over the school. A sphere of life fibers descended from the helicopter, and the Elite Four lined up with Satsuki standing at the end. As the cocoon opened, Kienzan suddenly got a chilling feeling down his spine. He felt like the outfit he was wearing had begun shuddering. He brushed it off for now though and kept observing the current events. A white smoke emerged from the cocoon, and a figure stepped out as it cleared. Ragyo Kiryuin. She had white hair with an extreme rainbow tint, wore a large white dress that went down to her feet and wore white high heels. She walked past all the Elite Four, briefly conversing with them and Satsuki before making her way to the podium. "Greetings students of Honnouji Academy. I ask you only two questions, what is clothing!?" "Clothing is life! Clothing is the world!" Kienzan began drowning out the noise and started focusing on Ragyo. He couldn't put his finger on it, but he knew something was different about her. All of a sudden, Ragyo pressed a button and all of the spectators got turned into cocoons. "W-what the hell!?" Ryuko said, bewildered. "Ah yes...the beautiful sound of silence," Ragyo said, her voice boasting a sickening tone.

"Hey!" Ryuko yelled to Ragyo, catching her attention, "The hell do you think you're doing!?" "Ah, you must be Ryuko Matoi. Well, do you have any idea who I am? I am Ragyo Kiryuin, head of th-!?" A katana interrupted her words as Satsuki drove her sword through her own mother's chest. "The time for speeches is over, director!" Satsuki drove the sword deeper into her mother's chest. "W-what is the meaning of this!?" Inumuta pressed a button, releasing all of the spectators from their cocoons. They all then surrounded the fashion walk. Satsuki lifted Ragyo into the air and tossed her into the cross at the end of the fashion walk. "Hear me well Ragyo Kiryuin! This whole school's purpose was not to support you. It was the bring you down! Every student here has been turned into a battle-worn veteran! Humans are not slaves to clothing, nor will they ever be!" Satsui began yet another speech as Rei, Ragyo's assistant, tried jumping up to save Ragyo only to be stopped by Gamagori and his forces. It was only temporary, however, as Rei broke free from their hold and jumped between Ragyo and Satsuki. "Stay out of this!" Satsuki yelled, swinging at Rei who dodged the slash, causing it to hit the cross and free Ragyo. "Oh ho ho...very well done Satsuki, your troops are mine now!" Ragyo released life fibers from her fingers that flew all across campus, capturing all of Satsuki's troops and mind-controlling them. "Get her my army!" Ragyo commanded as all of the troops dived toward Satsuki. "Attention, all fighters still present and conscious! You must steel your heart till the end! Anyone who attacks you is your enemy! Life Fiber Synchronize: Kamui Junkestu!" Satsuki and the rest of the elite four began their fight with the troops and Rei, as Kienzan looked toward Ryuko. "Sis, I remember." "Remember what?" Ryuko questioned. "I'll tell you later, for now, let's go beat up the rainbow cocksleeve!" Kienzan said, jumping toward Ragyo. Ryuko raised an eyebrow but jumped after him regardless. They both landed behind her, raising their guards.

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