Chapter 14: And The Onslaught Carries On

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Mikisugi pressed a button and the ground started shaking. Suddenly, a massive ship burst out of the ground, lifting everyone and rocketing forward till it reached the sea. "This, is THE GREAT NAKED SUN!" "Wow, everyone is about being naked with you isn't it." Said Kienzan, unimpressed. Everyone made their way inside the ship to the control room. "So, what's our next play?" Asked Sanageyama. "Ragyo and Nui are baiting Ryuko into Honnouji so they can force her into an outfit, most likely a COVER or worse, Junketsu." Said Inumuta. "In that case, she'll most likely be heading here soon," Kienzan stood up, "I'll take care of it." "You're willing to fight her?" Asked Mikisugi. "If I have to beat her back to her senses, I'm willing to do anything." "That's very good," Said Inumuta, "As she's currently approaching at an alarming rate this instant!" "WHAT!?" Yelled everyone, as a massive impact was felt throughout the boat. "EVERYONE STAY HERE, MAKO COME WITH ME!" Yelled Kienzan. "Aye aye, Captain!" Mako responded, following Kienzan up to the deck. Lo and behold, there stood Ryuko, dressed head to toe in Junketsu. "About time some bitches got their ass out here! I'm raring to go already!" Kienzan just stared her down. "Mako, get back. This might get messy." "Yessir!" Mako took a few steps back as Kienzan death stared Ryuko. "Don't think you're leaving this without a scratch, sister!" Kienzan, staying in base form to not kill his sister, lunged at Ryuko at full speed and kneed her in the gut. Before she could recover, he grabbed her and threw her into a nearby wall. "ARGH! You bitch!" Ryuko recovered and started slicing the air sending energy waves at Kienzan. He dodged them all and fired ki blasts back, which she jumped over and retaliated, landing a huge punch on Kienzan's face and knocking him back a few meters. He recovered and looked toward her, a smile on his face. "The hell are you smiling about you psycho!?" Ryuko yelled, annoyed by his demeanor. "Just find it funny...THAT YOU THINK YOU CAN BEAT ME!" He zoomed toward Ryuko and started beating on her relentlessly. Punch after punch, kick after kick, headbutt after headbutt. Eventually, Satsuki and the Elite Four came out, Gamagori carrying a massive Emergency Rescue Suction Device(ERSD).

"Masenko! Throw her this way!" Kienzan did just that, throwing Ryuko toward Gamagori. He slammed the device into Ryuko and began trying to suck Junketsu off of her. "It's working!" Yelled Mikisugi who had also come out. "Just a little more!" Yelled Mako. "No...somethings not right..." Whispered Kienzan. "Gamagori! Get out of there!" Yelled Satsuki, but it was too late as another cancerous annoyance dove in from above, destroying the machine and freeing Ryuko. Gamagori jumped back and the dust cleared, revealing Ryuko still in Junketsu, and Nui Harime, standing right beside her. "Surprise surprise! It's me! That's right, you thought you could kill me, but you didn't! And about Ryuko, Junketsu is sewn to the life fibers inside of her, so if you tear it off, she'll die!" Everyone gasped, besides Kienzan who could tell when the ERSD didn't work. " just can't seem to leave us alone can you?" "Don't you remember? Silly energy beams won't work on me!" "I can see that now. I made a mistake in not getting rid of you when I could." Kienzan's wild silver hair flowed with the wind as he stared down Nui and Ryuko. "I'll try and avoid making that same mistake!" His hair flashed red as he transformed into Super Saiyan God. "To think, this is already the 4th time we've fought. Hopefully the last." He said before Nui pulled out her Scissor blade. "Me and Ryuko together, two beings of life fibers as it should be! You won't stand a chance!" She yelled, before both she and Ryuko lunged at him. "A numbers advantage won't get you anywhere against an opponent who overpowers even the both of you combined!" Kienzan ducked under both their slashes, rolling away. He flipped back up, landing on his feet perfectly. "But saving Ryuko is my only goal, so if you'd please..." He blitzed toward Nui and kicked her hard into a wall. "GO AWAY!" Kienzan yelled, before turning his attention back to Ryuko.

"That wasn't very nice of you was it brother!?" Ryuko jumped toward him and started slashing at him to no avail as he dodged them all effortlessly. "I don't care how many damn life fibers those prim and proper bastards cover you in, they mean nothing compared to the ultimate warrior race!" He caught her sword as she tried to slash again, and pulled her toward him, slamming his head into hers and stunning her. "NOW WOULD YOU COME BACK TO YOUR GODDAMN SENSES!?" He rushed toward her and pulled out a ki blade. "GODLY WHIRLWIND!" The ki blade turned red as he spun around, slicing a massive hole in Ryuko's stomach that was...glowing? "NOW! MAKO HURRY!" "ON MY WAY!" Mako sprinted toward them, jumping toward Ryuko. "WE GOT ONE SHOT, DON'T FUCK IT UP." Yelled Kienzan, as Mako basically went inside Ryuko, shrinking into her mind. Everything went silent as Kienzan sighed. "I really hope that works." Just as he finished speaking, Nui burst out of the wall. "Don't think you're done with me quite yet hun!" Kienzan looked over and scoffed. "Oh right, you're still here. Hey when you land, tell Ragyo I said hi." "What?" asked Nui, confused. Kienzan just smirked, teleporting behind Nui and grabbing her by the foot. "SAYONARA BITCH!" He yelled before flinging her full force toward where he sensed Ragyo. "GOING GOING, GONE! See me in baseball bro, not a chance." He said, laughing to himself. Satsuki walked up to him. "Rather impressive Masenko." She said sarcastically. "Oh please, she'll probably be back soon anyway." Speaking of being back, Mako alongside Senketsu had just burst out of Ryuko who was now expelling some mysterious black and gold shiny liquid that flooded the ship's deck. Kienzan put a barrier up around everyone so they didn't get sent off-ship.

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