Chapter 10: Birth of a God, Creation of a Monster

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Everyone continued to stare at Kienzan as if he were some kind of alien.  Well, to be fair he was technically 50% alien, but we’re ignoring that.  His fiery aura burned and his crimson hair flowed from the power he had awakened. “What’s wrong with you people… you all act like you’ve never seen a god before,”  Kienzan said, proud of his new strength.  Ryuko calmed down and took a step away from Nui, “Brother…I despise this devilish pink bitch down to the last cell of my being, but you’ll be able to put up more of a fight than me.”  Kienzan nodded and started walking toward Nui, who giggled in amusement. “Oh come on! You don’t seriously think you can beat me can you?” Kienzan said nothing and continued approaching Nui. She sweatdropped and readied her blade. “Oh well, it’s your funeral!” She leaped toward Kienzan and swung at his neck trying to end the fight fast. He ducked under the swing and kneed her in the gut sending her staggering back.  She quickly recovered and raised her umbrella. “Mon Mignon Pret-a-Porte!” Nui spawned a volley of afterimages that all surrounded Kienzan and tried to lunge at him, but he jumped above them and raised one hand up. “Can’t forget about this move, can I? DESTRUCTO DISC!” 

He threw a destructo disc and took out all the afterimages, landing where they were with a smile on his face. Nui was annoyed but managed to keep a carefree demeanor as she lunged at Kienzan ready to unleash a flurry of slashes, but they all passed straight through him and he didn’t even move. Nui jumped back and furrowed her brows in confusion, but Kienzan simply smirked.  “It’s about time, I show off yet another skill I perfected in my training.  I’m sure you’re familiar with the concept of time travel.  That’d happen to be exactly what I’m doing!”  Nui’s eyes widened as did Ryuko’s.  She then thought back to her brother’s fight with Fukuroda, and his untrackable movements during the climax of the fight.  ‘That must’ve been an imperfect version of what he’s talking about!’ She thought.  Kienzan spoke once more, “It doesn’t really matter if you had 100x of the strength you did now, you’ll never be able to outspeed just how fast of a level I’ve reached, and I can only grow stronger from here.”  He raised both of his hands in a chopping position above his head, making Nui wonder what he was about to do. Kienzan then gained a serious expression, “Hmph…this is the stance!”  He appeared in front of Nui in no time and jabbed her in the gut.  She didn’t have a chance to react as he struck her again on her left and right side.  He then unleashed a flurry of blows from what seemed like every direction, as all Nui could do was stand there helpless.  Ryuko stared in awe at the power her brother was showcasing, not being able to keep track of him at all.  As he completed his flurry of blows, he was about to go for the finishing blow, but he stopped.  Nui could barely stand, but she managed to look up at him with a terrified look, wondering why he hadn’t killed her yet.

“Nui, what motivates you? I mean, why would you come here of all places? To see Ryuko and her Kamui? Or maybe you wanted to see a Saiyan in action firsthand.  Either way, I still question your reason for doing all this. Nui grunted and jumped at him in a rage. “SHUT UP!” She slashed over and over again to no avail, getting more furious by the second. “You don’t have to fight you know, I don’t sense that you’re evil, at least not entirely,” Kienzan said, trying to reason with the girl.  It wasn’t working clearly as she continued attacking him in a fit of anger.  Kienzan sighed and took a stance, putting his hands in front of him as Nui was enveloped in a red aura and frozen in place. She struggled to break free but ultimately couldn’t and gave up.  “Listen Nui, I can sense that you’re full of hatred. Hatred for the people in this world, hatred for the things you work under, even hatred for yourself.  Yet I see potential, I see someone who could be a hero for the sake of the world.  I want to awaken that potential, and you’re the only one who can help me do that. So?”  Nui’s hair loomed over her eyes as she processed what Kienzan had said to her. She eventually decided to speak after a while, “You…you don’t know anything about me…I DON’T NEED YOUR HELP, ONLY RAGYO TELLS ME WHAT TO DO!” The red aura around Nui suddenly broke and swarmed inside her. “W-what!? She absorbed god ki!?” Kienzan was shocked by this development as he didn’t expect Nui would be able to become a god like him in such a manner.  “This power…it’s more than enough to kill you now!” Nui blitzed toward Kienzan and stabbed her sword straight through his chest, hitting her target dead on.  Kienzan coughed up blood and clutched his chest before Nui pulled out the blade, letting him drop down on the ground on the brink of death.  Nui then turned toward Ryuko who was standing in one spot shaking uncontrollably.  Rage engulfed her as Senketsu couldn’t handle her explosive spike in blood pressure and ended up bursting off her.  He looked like a monster straight from a nightmare, and he completely consumed Ryuko before transforming once again, with Ryuko emerging looking downright nightmarish.  She had reached the point of no return and had gone entirely berserk.  She attacked Nui in a destructive fit of fury, but Nui easily dodged the sloppy attacks.  Satsuki had far lost her patience with the current situation and descended down the staircase with her Kamui already activated, ready to put down this untimely beast.  “Oh, Satsuki! Are you going to play with us too? You do know you have no chance right?” Nui said, taunting the student council president who simply scoffed in return,

 “Even with your new ‘god’ powers, you hold no candle to what I’m capable of.” Just as Satsui finished speaking, Nui’s eyes widened and she turned around. She felt something, something wrong.  It was none other than Kienzan, still alive and standing. “T-that was a little too close for c-comfort.” He coughed up more blood and nearly fell over but managed to keep his balance. “But…I stabbed you! How could you possibly be alive!?” Nui complained.  “Kienzan said nothing and grabbed a small transmitter from his back pocket.  Bulma had given it to him in case he ever needed her to find him the Dragon Balls, a set of 7 mystical orbs that are said to grant any wish. “Bulma…I’m sorry, but you’ll have to do my dirty work for now. Ryuko, Mako, I’m sorry, this is goodbye for a while.” Satsui gained a confused look before realizing what Kienzan was planning, and immediately leaping away and yelling to the Elite Four to get as far away from Honnouji as possible.  Gamigori grabbed a confused Mako and, with the rest of the Elite, jumped away.  Satsuki took one final look at Kienzan before leaving.  “Nui Harime…you think you’re strong, but you’re using borrowed power, and I know exactly how to defeat you,” Kienzan said, full of confidence. “Oh? And how would that be?” Nui asked. “Heh…FLYING NIMBUS!” Suddenly, a yellow cloud came rushing in from the skies and picked up an unconscious Ryuko who had calmed down after seeing her brother alive and passed out from all the stress on her body.  “Thanks, Nimbus, take her home for me.”  The cloud rushed off into the distance doing what Kienzan said, and he then turned to Nui as his aura began to circulate around him. “I’m going to obliterate you so completely, you won’t even have a chance to regenerate.” He said, before looking to where Ryuko had been carried off. “See you later…sister.” Nui was paralyzed by the sheer energy Kienzan was emitting, and she could only mutter two words to herself, “...he wouldn’t…” “GET READY TO DIE HARIME. HAAAAAAAAAAH!” Kienzan’s energy exploded around him as he kamikaze’d himself, wiping out Nui, and nearly the whole damn school with the blast.  After the blast ended and the smoke cleared, nearly nothing remained. Nothing, but a memory.


A few weeks had passed since Kienzan’s explosive sacrifice to dispose of Nui, and the school was finally rebuilt from the rubble it was turned into.  Ryuko had sobbed for hours at her brother's death, but she knew that he died doing what he loved, being fighting.  She cautiously put her Kamui on and stepped outside with Mako, ready to begin school when Mako pointed off into the distance, “Woaaahh! Look Ryuko, it’s a dragon!” Ryuko looked where Mako was pointing and as a matter of fact, a massive green dragon surrounded by a golden glow. “Huh, there is. Wonder what that’s about…”

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