Chapter 6: The Power of a Saiyan Warrior

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A few days had passed since the whole fight club incident. In that time a few things had happened. Mako had woken up and apologized profusely to Ryuko for what happened, and Ryuko said Kienzan was sorry but couldn't tell her in person as he had flown off somewhere for some kind of training. He hadn't said what kind, but he said he would come back stronger than anyone could ever imagine. Ryuko was skeptical but believed him, little did she know just what Kienzan was doing.

(Meanwhile at Capsule Corp)

"A 500x gravity room!? Don't you think that's a little much?" Bulma asked worriedly. She was a young-looking woman, about Kienzan's height with blue hair and big blue eyes. "Believe me, I can't afford to train any softer than that. If I wanna wield that kind of power, I have to push my body to its limits if I wanna be as strong as Goku." Kienzan said with a serious look. Bulma just sighed and went back into her lap, signaling for Kienzan to follow. He walked with her through her lab, admiring the various inventions that were scattered throughout the room.

Eventually, they made it to a door that led to a large room with a control panel in the middle. "Welp, this is the place, don't hurt yourself too badly," Bulma warned Kienzan before taking her leave. Kienzan walked toward the control panel and saw a few buttons labeled '100x, 200x, 300x, 400x, and 500x.' He clicked on the 100x button, and the room began to turn red and he almost collapsed to the floor completely. "Shit...this may be harder than I thought." He cursed silently. He managed to stand up straight and let out a cry of determination as he transformed into Ssj2. "Ok, better get started." He held his palms out and fired two ki blasts. They zipped around and he narrowly dodged them before firing 6 more ki blasts. He flipped through and around all of them before exploding all of them and tanking the blast. As the dust cleared, he smirked in anticipation of the power he knew he would gain.

(Back to Ryuko)

Another week had passed sincere Kienzan left. Mako was now fully recovered and was just as energetic as usual, and she and Ryuko were at the entrance when they saw a sign that said, 'Ryuko Matoi! Prove your strength to me with a duel and show that you're worth Satsuki's time!' -Sanageyama "So an Elite Four member has called me out to fight huh? Guess I'm pretty popular now." Ryuko stated with a smirk on her face. The school day went by and Ryuko and Mako showed up at the gym to meet with Sanageyama, who was waiting for them to show up.

"Well well, looks like you didn't wuss out. Where's that little Saiyan brother of yours?" Sanageyama asked before transforming into his full three-star uniform. Ryuko frowned, "Trust me, he'd be more than overkill for you. I'll kick your ass and the rest of your little group. Then Satsuki is next! Life Fiber Synchronize: KAMUI SENKETSU!" Ryuko transformed her Kamui into its synced form and charged toward Sanageyama, slashing directly through him, or so she thought. What appeared to be Sanageyama suddenly vanished into thin air, and the real Sanageyama appeared behind her. "An afterimage?" Senketsu wondered before Sanageyama struck Ryuko in the head with his kendo sword sending her skidding back. She quickly regained her footing and jumped at Sanageyama once more to no avail, as he easily dodged again and smacked Ryuko in the head for a second time. "Ughh...Senketsu it's time to go full throttle Senketsu!" Shiny red flames shot out Senketsu's back as Ryuko started zooming circles around Sanageyama. "Just try and catch me now!" Ryuko taunted, but Sanageyama began moving even faster than Ryuko and struck her in the head, gut, and arm over and over again until she stood before him, bruised and beaten. "Hah, you're nowhere near as fast as I am. As long as I have these eyes, I can see every single move you make before you make it!." His uniform then opened a bunch of holes and eyes zipped around all of them. Sanageyama, being the egotistical clown he was, had just given away his biggest weakness, and it seemed the other Elite Four members noticed this as they all facepalmed in unison. Ryuko smirked and said to Senketsu she was gonna try something wild. As Sanegyama charged in for the offensive, Ryuko raised her scissor blade and cut a chunk of fabric off Senketsu, then quickly plastered all of them onto the holes. "What!? NO! My eyes! I can't see!" Sanageyama dropped his sword and tried to peel off the fabric to no avail. "You're finished now! Finishing move: SEN-I-SOSHITSU!" Ryuko yelled, slicing Sanageyama's uniform to shreds. He got back up and tried to challenge her naked, but Gamigori struck him with his whips calling him a disgrace. Ryuko and Mako then left, leaving Sanageyama to wallow in his defeat.


It was the next day, and Ryuko and Mako had just arrived at the school entrance to see another sign with Sanageyama demanding a rematch, although this sign seemed to have a more serious tone to it. After school ended and the sunset, Ryuko went to the courtyard to see Sanageyama waiting in an arena for her. She jumped in and started taunting him "Well color me surprised, didn't think people got second chances around here." Satsuki was up above ready to observe the fight as she spoke "Try and fight him, and see just how much of a second chance he got." Ryuko scoffed and transformed, and immediately used the strategy she used last time. She jumped up behind him with a finishing move, but Samageyama seemed to see it coming, and extended a kendo sword behind him, slamming it into Ryuko's gut. She fell onto the ground coughing up blood and utterly surprised "!?" Slowly, the pieces of fabric began to fall from Sanageyama's uniform as it was revealed that he had his eyes sewn shut. "This is what happens when you push a man to his limits. When you force him to change. Now I can truly see every move you can make, I can see it, I can see EVERYTHING!" The only emotion Ryuko felt was fear as Sanageyama began to mercilessly beat the ever-living shit out of her. All Ryuko could do was let it happen, as she was powerless against the new and improved Sanageyama. "IT'S ABOUT TIME YOU LEARNED YOUR LESSON MATOI!" Satsuki's voice echoed across the campus. "HE HAS SACRIFICED EVERYTHING TO DEFEAT YOU. HIS PRIDE, HIS ENERGY, HIS LIFE. EVERYTHING!" Finally, Ryuko fell to the ground, utterly defeated and on the brink of death.

Sanageyama prepared to deliver the final blow but stopped when he sensed a massive power approaching. To no one surprise, it was none other than Kienzan Masenko himself. He landed next to Ryuko and picked her up. "It's okay, sis, I'm here" Ryuko barely mustered up enough energy to look at him, "Kienzan...sorry...too..strong." Kienzan reached into his pocket and grabbed a small green bean. "Here, eat this." Kienzan popped the seed into her mouth and had her bite down. In an instant, all her injuries were healed and she was fully recovered. "Woah...what was that?" Ryuko questioned. "It's called a Senzu bean, whenever you eat one, all of your physical injuries are healed instantly. Now stand back, I'm gonna show this guy what happens when you mess with my family" Ryuko obliged and jumped back. Kienzan turned to Sanageyama and they began to stare each other down. Samageyama decided to speak first, "Well? Are you going to transform, or are you really that cocky?" Kienzan's expression didn't change. "Hmph...don't make me laugh" Faster than anyone could see, Kienzan appeared before Sanageyama and landed an explosive gut punch, instantly obliterating his uniform and sending him hurtling towards the school. Knocked out cold, one hit. "Hmph, I expected more from the man who sacrificed 'everything'." Satsuki looked on in genuine astonishment at just how much more powerful Kienzan had gotten, and it seemed the same expression was present on Ryuko. Kienzan looked toward Satsuki and spoke with a cold unbroken tone, "That was only a small fraction of my real strength Kiryuin. Screw with me all you want, but if you ever hurt my friends, you're going to experience something greater than any deity in the universe. The raw, destructive force. OF A SAIYAN WARRIOR!"

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