Chapter 15: Destruction; End of the Road

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(17 years ago)

The peaceful beaches of Osaka were as soothing and relaxing as usual. A man who looked about 22 or so was walking the beaches with a distant look. He pondered and pondered about something within his head. As he sat down on a rock, he pulled out some kind of clock-shaped device. It seemed like some kind of radar, and it pinged 6 different locations on a map of Japan. " one has found them yet. I better start loo-" Before he could finish his thought, another location was pinged on his map. This one had a much higher elevation than the rest and was descending fast. "A 7th one? But...those coordinates could only mean-!" Suddenly, a loud explosion occurred just before him, knocking him backward. As he got up, he heard a baby crying in the direction of the impact. He walked over and saw a small child with a tail and spiky silver hair. "What on odd fellow..." The man said, befuddled by the boy's appearance. Suddenly, for only a split second the boy's hair flashed purple, and he was shrouded in purple electric shocks. The man looked closer at the boy. "Truly fascinating..."

(4 years later)

A small boy was running around the street late at night unattended by anyone. He giggled happily as he hopped and skipped across the pavement when something caught his eye. A girl, one with a red streak across her bangs, curled up in a corner. Another person caught his attention, one aiming a gun at the girl with a lecherous look on his face. " I have you right where I want you..." He inched closer as the girl whimpered in fear. "Hey!" The girl and the man looked over to see the boy yelling, looking in their direction. "Don't bully people! That's not nice!" "Get lost kid. I have things to do." The man said, clearly annoyed. "No!" The boy yelled back. "I said get lost!" The man fired at the boy with his gun, as the girl yelled for him to run. Suddenly, the boy's hair flashed white as he leaned just slightly to the right letting the bullet whiz past him. The man and the girl gasped as the boy looked at the man with a serious look. "Tsk...must be a faulty barrel...whatever." The man turned his attention back to the girl and reached down to grab her when he felt a chilling presence behind him. "You...keep your hands...OFF HER!" The boy's hair then flashed purple as he aimed his hands forward and a massive purple energy shot out, hitting the man and seemingly erasing him from reality. The girl looked on in astonishment, as the boy walked toward her. "Hi! That guy sure was scary huh?" The boy offered his hand and helped the girl up. "Yeah...thanks..." "My name is Kienzan! What's yours?" The boy said enthusiastically. "...Ryuko."

(The Present)

As Kienzan, Ryuko, and Satsuki made their way to Honnouji alongside everyone else, Kienzan was deep in thought, pondering his past. "Hey, you remember that time when we were 4? I saved you from that guy in the alleyway. I used some weird kind of powers." "Yeah, I remember that. What about it?" Responded Ryuko. "Do you think, just maybe, I could find a way to utilize those powers in the fight against Ragyo?" Ryuko looked down and pondered. "Maybe, you'd need to find out how to unlock them again. They happened when your life was in danger, so maybe another instance of that would work." "Maybe..." Said Kienzan. "Look alive folks, we've arrived!" Yelled Mikisugi, grabbing everyone's attention. As they all looked forward, Honnouji came into view. "Girls! Trail behind. I wanna say a personal hello to a certain someone myself." Kienzan said with a smirk on his face. The girls complied and fell back as Kienzan teleported up. He landed at the entrance to Honnouji, greeted by none other than a final confrontation by what you could call his rival in this world

Nui Motherfucking Harime

"You're here earlier than expected. Did your friends abandon you?" Nui said, a hissing tone in her voice. "Oh please, like you can talk. Plus, I just showed up early to greet you!" He responded, a smirk on his face. "How kind of you! Unfortunately, it seems our little meet and greet will end here!" She pulled out two life fiber blades, and Kienzan transformed into Super Saiyan Rosé. They both charged in, as Kienzan's whirling kick collided with Nui's downward slash. "You've certainly gotten stronger Harime!" "Save me the charitable compliments!" They continued clashing, seemingly evenly matched as the fight grew more intense. Debris flew everywhere, blood spilled across the battlefield. Kienzan jumped back from the flurry of clashing attacks and fired a Big Bang Attack only for it to be sliced in half by Nui, who jumped up and threw a slash that Kienzan dodged by teleporting down to the ground. He quickly threw a punch in the air at full force which shot up a powerful gust of energy that slammed into Nui. She quickly recovered and shot herself down to the ground, kicking Kienzan in the head. Kienzan shook it off and countered with a knee to the head. Nui spat out saliva before whirling back, kicking him in the leg and knocking him down. He quickly balanced on one arm and jumped back up, kicking her in the chin with his heel. "ENOUGH OF THIS!" He yelled, slamming his palm into Nui's stomach and blasting her with Ki. "This ends here!" He took a stance and charged at Nui. "Sorry Harime, but your journey must end before mine!" He slammed his knee into Nui's gut, before unleashing a furious flurry of blows. "FINISHING MOVE: SILVER DRAGON FLASH!" He kicked her up into the air and started wailing on her midair. He then slammed Nui back down and followed up by teleporting down and uppercutting her back up. "SO LONG SUCKA! KA..ME..HA..ME...HAAA!"

He fired the beam of pure white energy, as it collided with Nui, wiping her out for good. Kienzan breathed hard as he turned around to see everyone else arriving. "About for the real fight." As Ryuko and Mako ran over to check on Kienzan, Ragyo appeared from behind the school doors, dressed in some kind of massive oversized dress that seemed to be a Kamui. Kienzan walked in front of everyone and started Ragyo down. "I can feel it... it's beginning to grow... just a little bit closer and I'll attain that hear that Ragyo!? Soon, even the power you have now won't be able to contend...WITH WHAT I WILL HAVE BECOME!" Ryuko, Satsuki, and Kienzan jumped up and all attacked Ragyo, slicing and knocking off chunks of her Kamui. " foolish children, opposing the gods as usual." Ragyo quickly regenerated and threw out her arms, spawning several COVERS and calling Rei to her side. " is time." "Yes...Lady Ragyo." Rei outstretched her arms and was absorbed into Ragyo's chest, morphing with the suit. "Now...let them bend to my will...AND COWER IN FEAR!" Ragyo threw her hands out as a bright light appeared. Suddenly, everyone wearing life fibers around them froze in place. "Damn it...why can't I move!?" Ryuko yelled in frustration. "That's paralyzing me in fear..." Senketsu said. "Junkestu..." Said Satsuki, looking down wearily at Junketsu, who had a scared look in its eyes. " Now, of course, this fear only applied to those wearing life fibers, so people like Mako and Kienzan could still move. And move they did, as Mako sprinted up to protect Ryuko while Kienzan looked down at his hands. "That feels as if I'm wrong about something." Suddenly, Ragyo turned to Mako. "Out of the way child!" She once again fired fucking laser in an attempt to take out Ryuko, yet Mako refused to move. "Damnit Mako get out of the way!" Yelled Ryuko. Mako stood completely still, refusing to abandon her friend. "NO!" Yelled Kienzan. Suddenly, a white flash zoomed in front of Mako, canceling out the laser entirely. A massive explosion occurred as dust flew everywhere. Everyone coughed as the dust began to clear. A figure stood in front of a surprised mako. Glowing white hair flowed in the wind as Kienzan opened his eyes. Their silver colour had gotten more intense, and his glare seemed to pierce right through Ragyo. Ragyo looked on in interest. "Yet another useless power up? At least this one wasn't as noisy." Before she could fire another attack, Kienzan blitzed through her, knocking Rei out of Ragyo. "GAH! YOU INSIGNIFICANT SCUM!" She swung her arm at Kienzan, only for him to effortlessly dodge, jumping above the swing and landing in front of her head. His cold stare dipped into her soul as he threw a massive kick launching her toward the lower ground where the others had worked together to destroy the transmitter. Kienzan floated down to where everyone else was, a serious look on his face. "Give it up Ragyo. You've lost!" Said Ryuko, backed up by everyone else. "Tsk...pesky teenagers." Suddenly, a rumble was heard, as the OLF started rocketing up from below. "What!? We destroyed that thing!" Yelled Sanageyama. "Looks like it's back for more." Said Nonon. Ragyo jumped up and landed atop the OLF. "Don't think it's over yet brats." The bottom of the OLF then started shooting out energy as she shot up into space. "What could she be going up there for?" Asked Ryuko. "The satellite! There's a satellite right above Honnouji!" Satsuki said as Kienzan crouched down. "Wait, Kienzan, tell me you're not planning to-" Before Ryuko could finish, Kienzan shot up into the sky at near-light speed, appearing before Ragyo right before she could latch onto the satellite. "Still think you can stop me Saiyan? Well...YOU'D BE SORELY MISTAKEN." Ragyo launched a flurry of attacks at Kienzan, seemingly hitting him dead on. However, a burst of energy exploded, and Kienzan had a smirk on his face as his hair flashed once again, now a combination of white and purple. "It's about time you said goodbye...don't you think, KIRYUIN!" Kienzan flew at Ragyo and started beating her relentlessly. "Some may call this a final hurdle for me. But to me? THIS IS JUST THE VICTORY LAP!" Kienzan launched himself up and stared down Ragyo one last time. "NOW FOR THE REAL CREDITS SCENE. ULTIMATE FINISHING MOVE: DESTRUCTIVE FINALE!" Kienzan aimed his hands at Ragyo and charged up a cataclysmic amount of energy that could be felt across the entire planet. "THIS IS MY POWER! YOUR ROAD! ENDS! HERE!" He fired the beam, and it collided with Ragyo, instantly obliterating her along with the OLF. "Hmpg...and that's that. As Kienzan descended, he looked up to the sky, finally relieved this was all over. He landed back down as Mako ran over and kissed him on the cheek. "That was for saving my life, Captain!" Kienzan smiled and blushed as everyone celebrated with a plentiful meal of Mrs.Mankanshoku's croquettes. At last, the long adventure had come to an end

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