Bullet 4: Rules.

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"here's a list of instructions. If only I had a manual on how not to fall in love with you"

🤍 Y/n Pov:
"Mrs Jeon?" I heard a voice call out. As I woke up. Yawning.
"It's 7:30am" she said smiling.
"Sir would like to have breakfast with you at sharp 8, please don't take long Mrs. Jeon he's very punctual" she said handing me the clothes.

I quickly had a shower and got changed.
Putting the last earring on my ear. I looked at the time.

I ran downstairs to see him.
There sitting.

I had expected him to already eating, but no.
When i say infront of him. His plate was untouched. Infact he hadn't even served the food yet .

"Serve now" he said in a deep voice.

"You are late. By 10 minutes" he said.
"I'm sorry i-"

"It was a statement. Not a question. I don't need your answers."

Is he bipolar?

"I have some rules and regulations that I would like for you to follow" he started again.

"Rules and regulations?" I asked chuckling.
I thought it was a joke.

He just stayed there. Arms crossed with a poker face. Before giving me the agreement papers.

Looking at him, i took them and started reading one my one.

Jeon Jungkooks Rules for Jeon Y/n:

1. Jeon Y/n. Shall not interfere or meddle with his life and work at any cost. (Unless sickness and death)

2. Jeon Y/n shall not step outside. Without bodyguards or informing Mr Jeon.
By his permission is when she will be allowed outside.

3. Jeon Y/n is not allowed to keep people, other than staff and caretakers close to her. For they cannot be trusted.

4. Jeon Y/n is forbidden into going into Mr Jeons room.

5. Jeon Y/n and Jeon Jungkook are allowed to file divorce papers, after their 2nd Anniversary.

6. Anniversary,or different special celebrations will not be celebrated unless it is her/his birthday.

7. Jeon Y/n shall not expect any kinds of affection or anything at all from Mr Jeon in this marriage.

8. Jeon Y/n is not allowed to be infatuated with Mr Jeon. For he is not interested.

9. Jeon Y/n-

I stopped reading.
What the fuck is this?

I looked at him.
"What?" He asked.

"This is a marriage Jungkook not a business deal"

"Well that's what it is to me. Isn't that to you?" He said. Taking another bite of his breakfast.

"Jungkook. Do our vows mean nothing to you?"

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