Bullet 9: Taken.

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"I'll find you"

Jungkook stepper down slowly Gun in hand, as he looked around carefully. A vase fell behind him as he turned around but what he didn't expect was impact from the back.

He fell in the ground holding his head as his gun flew to the side, he looked up: Only to see Baekhyun standing there with a vase in his hand.

"You know Mr Jeon. I've always wondered how you didn't recognise me" baekhyun spoke.

Approaching jeon.

Jungkook who was still adjusting his eye sight, stood up facing baekhyun.

"Baekhyun? I trusted you." He said. As baekhyun laughed.
"You shouldn't have"

Another blow was put on jeon by baekhyun again. And he was about to go again. Before Jungkook held his hand and punched him back. Baekhyun fell right on his nose most probably breaking it.

Jungkook touched his forehead as it bled.
Baekhyun stood up. Signalling his men to attack and so they did.

All of them ran at jeon as he kept defeating each one of them. Until he was hit at the back of his head again. He fell to the floor. He looked up, to find his Ex Jung Ireum. Kneeling down.

"Tsk tsk tsk the great jeon Jungkook on the floor bleeding infront of me" she made Jungkook sit up by the help of her men, as they held him back.

"When you left me. I was depressed I cried a lot. I hurt day and night seconds, hours minutes EVERY FUCKING DAY!" She yelled.

"This is not you Ireum, stop this and I'll forgive you" Jungkook said weakly.

"F-forgive me?" She said and burst into a pit of laughter.

Jungkook rolled his eyes, struggling in order to get freed from the men.

"Madam Jung. Look what we found" one of her guards said.
Throwing Y/n down the last steps.

"STOP IT!" Jungkook yelled.
Which caught Ireums attention.

"Does her pain aggravate you?" She asked.

"Leave her out of this. This is between you and me." Jungkook said firmly.

Ireum annoyed walked up to Y/n grabbing her hair and pulling her and forcing her on her knees as Y/n yelled in pain.

Placing a knife at y/n's arm. She watched as Jungkook got more and more angry and rageful

"LET HER FUCKING GO IREUM!" He yelled. His eyes held rage and his heart held pain seeing his Y/n like that.

A crying mess, her face scarred which meant that she was hit by one of them before she was brought downstairs that enraged Jungkook. How dare someone touch her.

Ireum who was furious on why Jungkook was reacting to someone that wasn't her. She pierced Y/ns hand with her knife as Y/n yelled in pain.

That's it. That was it for Jungkook. Breaking free from both her guards he rushed towards y/n only to be involved in more fights.

Getting himself hurt for her.
Y/n fell to ireums feet.
"Please Ms please" she begged.

"Awww how sweet" she grabbed Y/ns hair.
"Your coming with me" she said.

"Take her."
"No no NO!" Y/n yelled.
"JUNGKOOK!" She kept yelling at the top of her lungs.

"Y/N!" He finally came out of the mansion after shooting all ireums guards but it was too late.

Ireum had already Taken Y/n away from him.

He came running out. Heavy breathing.
Continuously shooting at the car.

He even ran after the car. But it was too late.

"FUCK!" He yelled.
Hands going through his hair.
JKs Pov:

Why the fuck am I so useless!?!!
I screamed again. I can't trust them around her. I can't I can't do it.

I called up Jimin immediately.
I told him everything. He informed the others.

I'm gonna get her back.

Please stay calm sunshine.
I'm coming.

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