Bullet 20: Unexpected Person.

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"Damn. Never expected to see you here."

🤍Y/n Pov:
you know what that means~ ITS JUNGKOOKS BIRTHDAY. AHABAHAHA


Waking up early, i looked beside me.
Giving him a quick peck, ofc without waking him up.

I decided that today, i would make jungkooks favourites for breakfast, lunch and dinner. INCLUDING a special party for all of us.

quickly putting on a pretty sundress, i walked downstairs, grabbing my purse and rushing out the door.

It was currently 7:30 am and Jungkook doesn't wake up until 8:30 soooo
I have an hour to get all the supplies to make him happy.

I smiled, greeting the cashier.
"Morning Mrs Jeon your here early today" she said with a smile on her face.

I smiled. "Today's my husband's Birthday Lila! I'm here to get some groceries"

"Have a nice day!" She greeted me, as I was on my way again~

Picking up some onions and carrots, I checked to see if they were fresh cause ofc I'm not giving bad stuff to my baby.

Suddenly I bumped into someone.

"U-um I'm so sor-" my breath stopped.
Goosebumps ran down my entire body.

M-my father...how did he-

"Y/n ah" he said. As i moved back, reflex.

"N-no sweetheart I'm not gonna hu-" i moved away from him, he suddenly grabbed my arm.

I gasped.
"Where are you going you little bitch." He said pressing me up against the wall.

I kept gasping for air, trying to push him. All the skills all the everything that Jungkook taught me. Went off of my brain.

I-i was blank.

"You really think I would die? Huh?" He said holding my wrist tighter.

"P-please let me go" i said by voice came out only a whisper.

I looked around desperately trying to find someone. Someone to help. But since it was so early in the morning the store has less customers and since it was big it was vast.

"I got saved that night thanks to the beautiful hospital the police. You really think that some mere alcohol addiction would kill me?" 

He suddenly held my jaw.
"I heard you've married a wealthy man ay?  Still whoring around hm?" He said his grip tightening.

Tears starting coming out of my eyes.
He dragged me to a secluded area. And pushed me on the floor.

"Please appa please" i pleaded.
He slapped me across the face. Bruising my lip. As i yelped with pain. 

"How dare you fucking call the cops on me huh?" He said slapping me again and again.
Taking out all his anger. I tried fighting him back. But everything just kept burdening me more and more.

"Since you have that money now. How about you give some to me ay?" He said before gripping my hair.

This is not going to end well.
🖤: JKs Pov:

"It's 9:30am. Where is she?" I said walking back and forth and back forth. My pace increasing each time.

"Jungkook she's probably fine alright?" Mrs Lee said. She is our oldest maid. And head of the household. She's like a mother to me.

"I know Mrs Lee. But it's not like her-"

"Maybe she got late Jungkook. She said she would be home by 8 I know by. It's okay" she said patting my back in a motherly manner.

"I-i can't wait Mrs Lee. I'm going after her." I said putting on my leather jacket

She handed me the keys to it, cause she knew there's no use arguing. But as I was about to leave. We heard the doorbell.

I rushed and opened the door. To see my Y/n,

She smiled at me. "Hey honey" she said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

I immediately hugged her.
"Where have you been?" I asked.  Worried.

"U-um" did he voice quiver?

"I-i went to the grocery store, like always and just um went to get supplies SO-"

I held her face. Caressing the bruise on her face. "This wasn't there last night." I said.

She moved away.
"So, are you excited for your 26th?" She smiled.

Nuh uh.

"Who did this to you?" I asked.
My voice deep. Stern


"Who. Did. This." I asked again.
"I dont like repeating myself Y/n" i said.

She teared up. As I looked at Mrs Han.
"Can you um give us a minute?"

As soon as she left I pulled y/n into a hug as she cried in my arms.

"Its okay sunshine. Tell me what happened."

"M-my father. He showed up out of nowhere, on the night I called the cops on him he survived when I thought he died, he took the money I saved up for your birthday and he hit me and-"

"It's okay it's okay" i said wiping he tears.

I always let  her get hurt, Well not anymore.
She's not going anywhere without me.

"I'm sorry Honey, i wasnt there again."

She hugged me.
As I hugged her tightly.

"I may not have been there. But don't worry you don't have to deal with it again."

"I'll be back alright?"

"Yea i killed him and?" I said, tightening my tie but ofcourse I can't tie it.

Walking out of the room. I went to y/n.
"Sunshine can you tie my tie?" I asked.
As she stepped up to me.
"You look handsome honey" she said kissing my cheek.

"Your more beautiful tho." I said kissing her all over.

She ended up in giggles.

As we carried on with the party.

She indeed through the best party for me.
My sunshine. <3
🥧: rushed chapter.
But I hope you liked it. I know the dad part was dumb. Idk why i did that but idk spice.

Until next time <3

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