Bullet 17: Gone

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"No no no! This can't be happening"

▫️Jungkook: Is the stairs clear?
▫️ Hobi: Yes it is. Just be careful. Choi and Baekhyun are around the corner.

Holding y/ns hand he rushed out the door, hiding behind a nearby wall.

Both heavy breathing.

They didn't kill the girl who found them nor did they kill Im-gyu they just harmed them as threats.

Slowly making their way to the gala. They mixed among the crowd,

▫️Namjoon; Wear your masks!

Putting the masks on for himself and y/n, he blended into the dance floor, dancing with y/n

"What an unfortunate dance hm?" She said smiling.
"A reward full one" he said leaning in to kissing her,

Blood on both of them, not their own.
As they melted into the kiss.

She smiled pulling away. And giving more kisses on his face.

Suddenly a loud gunshot was heard, making everyone freeze and gasp and scream around the dance floor.

"Good Evening Ladies And Gentleman" Baekhyun said, climbing on the stage with Choi following him.
"Seems like we've been blessed with the presence of two important people tonight!" He said.

Jungkook held y/n closer to him, pulling her towards him.

"Mr Han Bi-an!" He said, as the crowd scaredly clapped. But no one climbed on stage.

"Gotcha. It's Mr and Mrs Jeon!" He said suddenly as the big spotlight aimed at Jungkook and Y/n.

"Look at this beautiful couple" he said walking toward them.
"Tell me when you look at them do you think that they could KILL MY FUXKING SISTER!?!" He said temper rising.

Suddenly a smoke bomb rolled infront of them. Bursting into just smoke. Jungkook taking the opportunity held y/ns hand running away from there he could hear Baekhyun sending it troops and men for them.

Quickly thinking he dragged y/n into one of the hotel rooms at the venue.

Hearing heavy breathing from her he hugged her.
"It's okay its okay"

"Promise me we will go home safe together." She said holding his face.

"We will sunshine, just stay calm okay? And fight" he said as she hugged him.

"I love you" She said softly
"I love you more" he said before they heard banging on the door.

"Fuck. We don't have enough ammo"

"Jungkook?" Y/n called out.

"T-this is Baekhyuns office" she said. As Jungkook finally looked around.

The banging didn't stop, it just got louder.

▫️Yoongi: HEllo!?!! HELLSOO!?!!
Yoongi voice finally got to them.

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