Bullet 14: Our First.

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"Your driving me insane sunshine"

⚠️WARNING THIS PART CONTAINS SLIGHT MATURE CONTENT, but don't worry I'll tell you when it starts and when it ends~ enjoy!

🖤: JKs Pov;
The smell of fresh pancakes guides me downstairs. Fresh pancakes after a warm shower is something that would make me so happy as a kid. But I remembered the argument I had with y/n.

Trust me I know it wasn't her fault or anything. AND YES IM AWARE THAT WERE NOT DATING or anything but. She's mine. And I got mad over the fact that she didn't say anything. I don't even know why I expected her to I just-

I just did.

Nevertheless. It wasn't her fault, knowing Y/n she's the sweetest person I've met. She was just trying to be polite I know. And all this meant I had to make it up to her.

Drying my wet hair with a towel I stared at her as she cooked back facing me. I walked towards her, back hugging her, she flinched at first but then relaxed.

"I'm sorry for last night" I started.
No response. Ignoring me huh?

She moved away from my grip.

"I'm sorry y/n" I said a little louder.
Ignored again.

Poking my tongue in my inner cheek I scoffed.
"Yah Jeon Y/n I'm talking to you"

No response.

Sighing frustratedly I took a pancake only to be smacked by her.

"No pancakes for you" She said in a...cold voice? Is she trying to be cold? How adorable.

But I wanted pancakes.

But she didn't even look at me and walked away.
Ughhhh Jeon Y/n your driving me insane.

Don't worry sunshine. I'll get you to talk to me.
*laughs evilly*

🤍: y/n pov:

Looking one last time to see if Jungkook followed me I took a sigh. And called My girls.

<The Call>

Jennie: did it work?

Y/n: I guess so.

Chisa: I told you. It always works on Jimin. He comes back like a crying puppy. He's so adorable.

Somi: ahem ahem. My brother is not Park Jimin. He's competitive. I used to ignore him alright. He would ignore me back and I would be the one apologising.

Y/n: guys. I feel bad.

Chisa: what he did wasn't good either.

Jennie: I wanna see what he does to win Y/n back.

- suddenly i someone heard knocking on thw door.

Y/n: guys guys I'll call you back.

I quickly cut the call and approached the door. To find Jungkook holding a bouquet of my favourite flowers.

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