Bullet 12: Surprise

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"My gift to you"

It's been 5 months, since those incidents occurred. Jungkook and y/n are closer together, although none of them has confirmed or confessed their feelings.

Jungkook decided that after that incident, he knew that more would come for he is a mafia and a mafia never sleeps, he realised that he can't always be there for Y/n.

So, he's gonna teach her everything she can do to protect herself when she's not around. He knew it would be a task including the ptsd from not only her Past but the Jung Incident too.

But it was for her own good.

The time ticked and her alarm rang for the 4th time that day.
"6:30 am!?!? SHIT SHIT SHIT"

She hurried through her morning routine and ran downstairs to find her husband in the backyard, holding a gun.

"Your late" He said.
"I know" she replied.

"You know what to do" He said.
"But Jungkook I'm tired-"

"Do it. Now."

Soon a series of moans and groans were followed as.....Y/n did..........:.

Pushups. What did you think?

"I can't do this anymore Jungkook" she said.
"You were 30 minutes late so 30 push-ups. And your at 28"

She did her final 2 push ups lying on her back.

"Tsk tsk tsk look at you" He said bending down. She sat up
Rolling her eyes.

"Awwww tired?" He said teasing her.
He pulled her close to him.
"Your lucky that today I'm a bit busy or I would've made you do 50" he said.

"I can easily beat you" she said.
"Oh really let's see" he said. She knew Jungkook was competitive. And she wanted to tease him.

As Jungkook got into position she sat on his back.
"Go go go!" She said giggling but what she didn't expect is Jungkook to actually do push ups with her on his back.

He started going up and down. While she was flustered she tried to get up but he suddenly caught her. Yup he was doing push ups with one hand with her on him:

Her face turned bright red. She was embarrassed. When he completed 50, she quickly got off him:

"What? Shy?" He said, ruffling her hair.
She just stood there starstruck.

"I'm heavy tho..." she said embarrassed.
"Heavy?" He asked.

"How much do you weigh?" He asked.
(You said whatever you weigh)

"Baby I weight lift that much shut up. Your beautiful the way you are and I like you like this " He said squishing her cheeks.

She just smiled. And thanked god that she got someone like him in her life.

"What are you smiling at?" He said suddenly serious. Pushing her head by his pointer.

"I hope your practising your gun skills" he said.
"Yes obviously it's my favourite, apart from the daggers they're my MOST MOST FAVOURITE" She said smiling, lying on the bed.

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