Bullet 8: Friends.

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"Friends in marriage"
Y/n Pov:
Currently me and Jungkook we're getting ready for Greece. Once we were done we stepped out.

We decided to visit many tourists spots and I forced him to take a lot of pictures, because I liked the way he refused and his ears got red.

Currently we were at a tourist spot. Which was beautiful. From where we were standing the blue waters could be seen, I loved it.

"Wait here I'll get us something to eat" Jungkook said, stepping away from me. But I knew he was keeping an eye on me.

I smiled and nodded.
While taking out my camera, I started clicking pictures of the view. I was still in awe

I felt another man stand beside me, but it was slightly crowded with many tourists so I didn't mind.

That was until I felt his hand graze my back. I didn't say anything cause mistakes happen. But he did it again. I moved away.

He moved with me.
I started looking for Jungkook, but he was no where in sight.

I felt the man grab my waist from the back, I felt my whole mind go numb. My fathers memories came back. I pushed his hand, as he suddenly grabbed my wrist.

But before he could do anything. A punch met with his face.
It was Jungkook. He kept punching him: I couldn't even react. I didn't know what to say:

"J-Jungkook no..." I kept saying
But it could only come out in whispers.

Jungkook finally got off that man. Who was now bleeding like he was gonna die: Jungkooks knuckles were bleeding too, he finally looked at me.

But I was already in shock.


"Cmon y/n I'm your step dad anyway" he said sliding his hand under my shirt.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HAN-IL?!?" my mother yelled.

He rolled his eyes.
"How dare you fucking yell at me?!?" He said picking up and smashing a vase.

"Fuck you! Stay away from my fucking daughter!" She said hugging me. Only to be pulled away by my father!

He slapped her and kept slapping her. "Women should know their place!"

I ran and hid in a closet nearby and all I could hear was crashing and yelling. My mom yelling in pain and glass shattering as I just kept crying.

That night I couldn't save her.
🖤: JKs pov:

I Looked at her, I lost control of myself. I didn't even see if she was okay. What happened to me?

Her eyes filled with tears, gripping on to the camera. Tears eventually falling. She looked so fragile that if touched her she would break.

I ran to her,
As she just looked at me. Her eyes held so many emotions and one of them was fear.

I tried to hold her hand but she moved away. Was she scared of me. She was shaking like a leaf in autumn.

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