Chapter 3

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Stella pushed those thoughts aside as she followed her friends outside. 

"Did anything seem off about the parents to you guys?" Stella whispered to her friends, but loud enough so everyone could hear. They stayed quiet, seconds passed-or maybe even minutes of silence as they made their way slowly to the forest all following Avery. Avery was Thaila's older brother who was a level three at Foxfire. He had dirty blonde hair but the same teal eyes and handsome features as his dad Fitz. Stella almost forgot she asked the question when Thaila answered

 "something definitely seems wrong, although they are trying to hide it, I don't think my dads' slept in about a week." Nobody said anything to that except Avery who just gave his sister a glare as if to say don't worry them it's probably nothing. Maybe something else was going on or maybe it wasn't a coincidence,

But what if something really bad was happening and her parents were hiding it from her? Didn't they know by now that they could tell her stuff?

"Sooooo who knows how to play base quest" Avery asked the group, clearly trying to change the subject. All the thoughts circling her head disappeared as Thaila replied 

"uh everyone knows how to play Avory, we aren't babies" as she rolled her eyes at her older brother.

"Ok then, let's make teams." Avery responded as he scowled at his sister.

"I'll be with Avery!" exclaimed Xander as he bounded over to his cousin. "Sounds good cuz." Avery said, as he stroked Xander's hair.

"Can I be with Kiara?" Kylo asked as he looked at his older cousin. He was the spitting image of his dad Wylie with his mom Linh's silver blue eyes. Kylo was the youngest of the group at nine.

There were a lot of cousins in their friend group like Thaila and Avery were cousins with Onyx and Xander because Biana and Fitz were siblings. Kylo and Kiara were also cousins because Tam and Linh were twins, But Stella didn't have any cousins-not that she minded, most elves didn't because they had one child, they feared that the more children they have the less chance the later children have of manifesting. Stella thought that seemed stupid, she knew tons of elves who had more than one child that ended up with really powerful abilities.

"Of course Kylo, why don't you go with us?" Kiara said, pointing to herself Thaila and Onyx.

"Sounds good to me." Thaila shrugged. Onyx nodded in agreement.

"Ok, then I'll go with Xander and Avory." Stella said, walking over to them. Stella was a little bit annoyed that Onyx hadn't spoken up to say that she wanted to be with Stella, she tried brushing it off, but that gave her even more of the urge to want to win. They all agreed and walked into the forest to start the game. The forest was a massive area that spanned most of the way around the side and back of the house. Through the giant trees you could see the ocean and the sun glinting off the sparkling water. The sun shone through the trees casting rays into the forest making it seem more open. When a wind came and rustled the leaves, the forest was so peaceful. Lately it had been where Stella had come when the collective were talking. She would sometimes be out there for hours exploring nooks and crannies and climbing the tree's huge branches to get a better look at the glistening ocean and soft coloured sands. When she wasn't in the forest she was at the beach swimming with the ecodons or just walking along it feeling the smooth sand in between her toes. The beach was nicknamed Tranquil Bay by Stella's family because of the calmness it brought them.

"Before we start we should set up a couple of rules." Thaila said.

"Like no using abilities because some of us don't have them yet." she said the last part looking directly at Avory.

"Fine, fine but Kiara can't use hers either, it can't just be me." Avory said, pointing to Kiara.

"Of course! It's only fair." Kiara smiled.

"Wait, you manifested?" Stella asked Avory, though she wasn't surprised, his dad had manifested around the same age, thirteen. The whole group gasped . Avery smiled proudly.

"Yup, I manifested last week. I'm a telepath like my dad." he said with a smug smile. Thaila rolled her eyes.

"It's the only thing he's talked about since he manifested, I'm surprised he kept it from you guys for this long."

"Well at least we know you won't end up in a tree like my mom did." Stella said. The group laughed, they had all heard about Sophie's disastrous first time playing base quest.

Kiara and Avery were the oldest in the group so they were the only ones with abilities so far. Kiara was a shade like her dad so she could use her ability to hide and camouflage herself or the group with shadows, being a shade was also one of the most dangerous abilities that the council kept a close eye on or that's what Stella had heard. So that would be a really good advantage for her group but Kiara was always the most understanding in the group, she'd also manifested quite early since she was only a level two and elves had up to about level five to manifest so Stella didn't think it bothered her that she would be taking a break from using her ability.

"Ok, anything else?' Stella asked. Everyone shook their heads.

Avery led the group the rest of the way into the forest and on the count of three the game was on. 

TYSMM FOR ALMOST 100 READS!!!! and thanks for all the lovely comments xx

please go check out , @julietter934, @Twizzy333, @TheSophieFoster, books they are so sooo good!!!

hope you enjoyed this chapter<3


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