Chapter 9

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Finally another update lol. I also posted an update of blonde bombshell:) two updates in 1 day woooo!!

The guilt was suffocating.

Everything scrambled around her as the invisible force pulled her deeper. So many broken memories, making it hard to make sense of anything that had happened. The silence around her was deafeningly loud.

The shock would break her eventually right?

Maybe it already had. She didn't care. Wherever she was right now was a fine place to wallow in her misery. She didn't want to remember what happened. She just wanted to forget about reality.

What was reality anyway?

She had forgotten.

it didn't matter though because she wasn't ever coming back. She was too far gone now, no one could save her now or they would shatter too.

                                     *                                                  *                                          *

After a long time, or maybe it was a few seconds, she heard the faintest hint of a noise. Perhaps she had imagined it. Maybe it was a memory shattering? She stopped listening. Then it came again. There was no way that the noise would happen twice if it was a memory. This time she could make out the words.


It was so faint but it was there. She strained her ears and there it was again, louder this time.


Stella knew that voice but she couldn't remember who it belonged to.

One more time

She pleaded. If that voice said her name one more time then maybe she could place who it belonged to.


Mom. Stella thought. It was her mom.

But how was she in her mind?

Before she could think too hard on it, a warm soft breeze swept past her. Filling her mind with a soft hum. The breeze swept past again, this time bringing more memories of familiar faces and happy times that filled Stella's mind with familiarity. Stella was tempted to leave her nook but she was afraid she'd lose even more of herself if she left that warm safe spot, so she stayed put waiting as her mom's voice filled her head again louder this time.

Stella, it's going to be okay. We'll figure it out.

No, I don't want to hurt anyone.

You won't I promise

You can't say that

Yes I can, I've been where you are, I know how to help you.

No you don't, I'm alone and I always will be.

Her mom didn't respond to that thought. But it was better this way. For everyone. If she stayed here. Away from the real world. Away from everything and everyone. They would be safe, safe from her.

We are more alike than you think Stella

How? You've never had something like this happen.

Sophie didn't answer, she just opened her mind to Stella's and showed her a memory.

A warm feeling buzzed around Stella's fractured mind as a memory filled her mind. It was really clear - since both of her parents had a photographic memory. In the beginning of the memory there was a girl that looked exactly like Stella but a couple years older who was asleep in a big canopied bed. The room was massive and stunning. It had so many colours but they were so pretty together. There was a giant desk in the corner of the room with a lot of different elixirs, potions and poultices.

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