Chapter 13

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woah its been awhile loves so sorry!!!


"Stella, you know that your dad can sense abilities right?" Sophie started. She came up behind Keefe placing a hand on his shoulder. Her dad looked really confused.

"She knows?" Keefe asked, shocked as he turned his head to face Sophie.

Was she not supposed to? So the memory was an accident?

"Wait so.. he really can?"

Stella wasn't sure what to think of that, she had never heard of any elf who has an ability like that. Couldn't elves only have one ability. Her dad was already an empath, but her mom was a telepath and an inflictor too so she really wasn't sure anymore.

Did she really know her parents at all?

"That was the memory you showed me, right?" Stella asked as she looked at both her parents who looked almost scared.

"You weren't supposed to see that memory." Sophie replied as she looked at the floor. Stella could guess that when it shut off halfway through a sentence, but she pretended like she hadn't noticed, and she wasn't sure if it was a dream either her mind was chaotic and filled with madness at the time.

"Okay... so dad can sense abilities but that's not what you wanted to tell me is it?" Stella asked.

"No. Ugh I don't know how to tell you this Stell." Keefe said, looking agitated.

"Tell me. It can't be worse than what just happened right?" Stella asked jokingly. Her parents exchanged a look that did not look like a joke.

"Okay you're freaking me out." Stella replied. "Just get it over with."

"Stella, when I touched your shoulder that morning I felt so much anger, I honestly didn't know a person could feel that. Not even your mother who used to have foster rage fests." He avoided her gaze as he said this and kicked her carpet. Sophie walked over and whispered something in his ear. This Immediately made him relax.

"I.., I don't know what to say" Stella replied. She had seen that part in the memory

But why was her anger so much stronger than her moms? And why her, of all people? Stella's emotions were racing at this point, but for once she couldn't stop the sadness from winning and then she could feel tears surfacing. She tried to shove them back down but it was impossible and once they started they wouldn't stop. All she could do was cry, all that she was holding in since the break came out. She could see her parents' blurry figures run to her side.

"I thought this might be your reaction, that's why we didn't want you to tell you " Sophie said softly as she wrapped her arms around her, so tight she couldn't breath. "But then when I entered your mind and felt all that guilt it made me think of that memory and before I'd realized I sent it, it was too late, you'd already seen the worst part. I'm so sorry Stella."

Stella just clung to her mom and buried her face into her moms tunic. She could also feel the warm touch of her moms fingers as she brushed them through her hair. With that her breathing relaxed a bit and she felt a lot calmer. Stella forced herself to let go of her mom and sit up straight to face her dad- who looked really concerned.

"Hey, Stella.." Keefe said, this time looking her in the eyes.

"I triggered your inflicting." Keefe whispered.

Stella's heart rate picked up again significantly at her dads words.

What did he mean by that?

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