~Chapter 12~

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Stella couldn't tell if she thought Onyx's name or said it out loud but what she did know was that the figure standing in front of her had bright green spiky hair. Onyx's eyes looked bruised but she hid it with a sheepish grin.

"Hey Stell."

"What did you do to your hair?" Stella gasped, horrified. She continued to glance at the green pointy spikes that were impossible to miss.

Onyx chuckled. "Remember, we made a bet when we played base quest. The losing team had to dye their hair using one of my dads elixirs."

"Did you really forget?" She added, sounding a bit worried as shot a look at Stella.

had she really forgotten?

Stella's answer was muffled out by a blaring headache as the memories of base quest came rushing back. The bet. Tagging her friends. Getting Onyx out. The heated argument turned into rage so hot it burned Stella's skull.

"NO!" Stella screamed, clutching her head. Her head was on fire, red hot and ready to burst. But she couldn't let it, not after what she did the last time.

Everyone in the room flinched including Onyx who was clearly re-living her own terrifying memories as she stepped back, away from Stella.

Was she afraid of her?

But Keefe flinched the most.

Could her dad feel all her rage?

She barely finished that thought when her moms voice filled her head. Her mom must have let her consciousness into her mind.

You have to take control, Stella. You can't let the rage take over

I can't!

Yes you can. And you will. Focus on my voice and do exactly as I say.


Breathe. Take huge deep breaths and picture the anger pulling into a big knot in your mind. Now picture the knot under your ribs.

Stella did exactly as her mom said and tried to picture all her anger, all her pain and the awful emotions and pulled them together into a giant knot and tucked it away.



Instantly Stella relaxed, and most of the rage was hidden away.

Wow. That really helped. Thanks

Of course, I'm so proud of you Stella.

"Whenever you feel like you need to inflict, just picture that anger growing in the knot, just like I showed you." Sophie said calmly as she brang Stella back to the present and squeezed her tightly into a hug.

When her eyes fluttered open she saw Onyx in the doorway standing like a statue, still. Biana stood next to her. She wrapped her arms around Onyx's shoulders and kissed her temple.

Keefe crouched at the end of Stella's bed looking up at her.

"I did that to you. I made you angry." Onyx whispered. She looked like she was about to cry. She stood as far away from Stella as possible. Stella hated that Onyx would blame herself for what had happened, and she couldn't let her because if she let the guilt win - like Stella did, she would get dragged down into the deep dark madness of her mind. Stella wouldn't let that happen to her best friend, not when it was her fault in the first place.

"Onyx try not to blame yourself. This was bound to happen anyway." Biana said, looking down at her daughter as she stroked Onyx's strawberry blonde hair behind her ear.

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