Chapter 8

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yes.. another memory remember we are in Stellas mind! 

Happy reading mls xx

The scene started in a forest. A beautiful forest with massive trees and lots of sunlight filtering through.

Bellmore's forest

Stella realized. She could see her parents walking side by side holding hands with Stella running and skipping ahead of them.

This was recently

Stella looked older here, maybe nine or ten.

Wait. She was ten.

She was remembering more about herself.

"Mom, Dad watch! I'm going to climb my tree!" Stella yelled. Her parents grinned at her.

"Please be careful Stell!" Sophie called.

"I will mom!" Stella yelled back.

"She is so reckless, reminds me or someone ." Sophie jabbed playfully at Keefe. He placed a hand on her shoulder and squeezed.

"Hey! you're pretty reckless yourself, she gets it from both of us." Keefe grinned " and what have we talked about, about worrying Foster?"

"I know I just don't want her to be too much like I was." Sophie added.

"She's a kid. And she has done much scarier things and will have much scarier things ahead, you know it. Let her have some fun. And most importantly let her be a normal kid with a normal life like you wish you had had when you were her age." Keefe said with a sweet smile. Stella could tell that her mom knew he was right and Sophie started to relax a little. Her parents looked up to find Stella was already halfway up the biggest tree she had ever seen.

Was this what her life had been like? Climbing trees?

The memory continued.

"Look at me!" The memory of Stella called. She turned around to look at her parents just as she was trying to step up onto the next branch. Her foot slipped off the branch taking her with it. Stella's mental voice gasped as she plummeted down the trunk of the massive tree. Sophie and Keefe sprinted to the base of it catching Stella just inches from the ground. She looked shocked for a second.

"Woah," Stella exclaimed. She looked up at her parents with shock and disbelief as she leaned back into their arms.

"Are you ok?" Sophie asked. She sounded horrified. Stella nodded, still too shocked to use her voice. She looked up at the tree she had just fallen out of and took a deep breath. The wind rustled the leaves, making the branches away a little. She closed her eyes and tried to calm her racing heart.

"I just fell out of a tree." She whispered. She tried to keep her tone light so as to calm her parents but they didn't seem to notice.

"Yes you did Stella. Are you okay?" Keefe asked again. His ice blue eyes looked like they had taken on 100 years in that short time.

"I'm ok, but I don't really want to climb a tree again." Stella said, staring into space. She chuckled but it sounded forced. Her parents wrapped her in a bear hug to help calm her nerves. It helped.

"You really know how to scare us, you know that?" Sophie added as she kissed Stella on the forehead. Stella didn't know how long that hug lasted but it felt like forever and she clung to that feeling. The feeling that swept her up and made her heart feel warm and safe.


The memory of Stella sank into the hug and nodded solemnly. Then the memory ended.

Stella surrounded her mind with the warmth of those memories and imagined herself there instead of where she was, hidden in the cold darkness of her mind.

But how could she put her parents through so much pain? Was trapping herself in her mind really the better option?

Then she felt an ice cold sharp breeze cut through the warmth like a knife, unraveling all of her happy memories and revealing the left over guilt she buried, she tried to cling on to them but the memories flew from her grasp as the guilt grew like a raging fire around them.

It was stronger now

Before she could stop herself she slowly started slipping as she watched the memories around her begin to shatter and shatter one by one into smaller shards. Until there was nothing, no more tiny thread of light to see in the darkness. No more warmth to cancel out the coldness that floated around her mind making her numb. Almost like the tiny spark of light and warmth had been blown out. No more force guiding her - now it was dragging her, but not like before, this time it was different. Like she'd never come back or remember anything , she did not fight it anymore though. She was too tired, too weak. She just clung to the love she had for her friends and family and let their familiar faces fill her mind as she fell down into the dark hole of her mind but then one final thought slipped through.

This way she wouldn't hurt anyone else she loved. Ever again.

No one would have to be afraid of her

A dark thick fog rolled in. Then the darkness shut everything out and her mind went silent. 

hope you like it!! soz for not updating Sunday like we promised we haven't had as much time to write since its ski season and Xmas and its rlly busy but we do have a few chapters lined up and we promise to keep writing since we have a giant storyline!! 

you might even get a xmas special if ur lucky<3 

anyways see u next week tysm for 400 reads!!! 

word count: 916 

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