Chapter 6

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sorry its been awhile we forgot to update but we have been writing!! if you need a reminder of what just happened, Stella inflicted on Onyx after an argument xxx

"WHAT DID YOU DO STELLA?" She couldn't tell who the voice belonged to, all she could do was stand there. In shock. but she agreed.

What had she done?

Scattered voices swarmed around but she couldn't make out what they were saying but they were definitely terrified.

Were they terrified of her?

The only thing she could make out were the screams that kept filling her mind,

blood curdling screams,

Onyx's screams.

as she thrashed on the ground in pain. She was screaming because of her. It was all her fault.

What had she done?

She couldn't make out anything around her, everything blurred as her head spun. It all happened so fast. She couldn't see. Someone probably went to get help but she wasn't sure who because her eyes welled with tears. She just continued to stare at the trashing figure on the floor. Her friend.

Would they even be friends after this?

So many thoughts filled her mind but their argument was on loop.

How did this happen?

Someone was shaking her shoulders but she wasn't sure who. She tried taking deep breaths so she could make out who was in front of her. When the blurry figure came into focus she saw the worried look of her mom.

"Stella, talk to me!" She was shaking her shoulders trying to get Stella to say something. Stella couldn't form the words, she wanted to scream but it came out in choked sobs. All she could do was continue to stare at the hopeless figure on the ground as she screamed in pain.

Then Stella heard the four words that would haunt her forever.

"Stella, please, it hurts!" Onyx screamed through gritted teeth as she thrashed clutching her head as everyone surrounded her trying to help. But they couldn't help. It was Stella's fault, she did that and the reminder continued to spin through her head .

She squirmed free of her moms grip and turned around to sprint out of the forest and back to her house. Once the house came into view she lunged for the door, she wanted to hide in her room and never come out. Her head blurred and ached and before she could stop herself she almost ran into the bodyguards who kept watch of Bellmore.

"What happened little Blondie?" Ro asked, concerned. 

Stella ignored the ogre princess, tears streaming down her cheeks as she ducked under Ro's arms and bolted up the stairs into her room, slamming her bedroom door behind her. She didn't even make it to her bed, before her shaky legs gave out and she collapsed onto her fluffy pink carpet that spread across her entire room, feeling sorry for herself. Then the vivid memories of the fight swarmed her mind, even more detailed in her mind thanks to her photographic memory.

Base quest, the arguing, the anger and then the pain. She wanted her carpet to swallow her whole. She didn't want to face the world and most of all she didn't want to face Onyx ever again. She just laid there staring into space. She couldn't even cry anymore. She was just angry but she couldn't be angry not after what that did to her. Onyx was on the ground because of her. She felt so many emotions at once but the strongest was guilt. The most dangerous emotion an elf could ever feel. If elves ever felt too much guilt their minds would shatter from it and they'd lose their sanity.

But didn't she deserve that after what she did?

How could a power to cause someone immense pain even exist?

She closed her eyes and the final tears fell down her face staining her cheeks. so much darkness filled her mind as the memories continued to replay.

Stella, please, it hurts.

Were the final words that Stella heard that did it. And with that the dangerous emotions grew stronger and stronger and finally the darkness dragged her under.

update on Sunday!! sorry for updating late, hope you enjoyed it!!! 

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