Chapter 4

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here's chapter 4 I hope you enjoy<333

"Wait!" Onyx called just before everyone could sprint away. "We haven't decided who is going to quest first." how could they have forgotten the most important part of the game. They all clearly were tired.

"I guess that means you're volunteering, Onyx? "Stella spat sarcastically. 

"Oooh she got you there sis!" Xander added proudly. 

"Fine. whatever" Onyx snapped "we're going to win anyway." The rest of her team nodded in agreement. 

"Is this going where I think it's going?" Avery sighed, clearly annoyed. "Because if I know you and Stella, it's gonna become a bet right about now." 

That probably wasn't the best idea but Stella did really want to beat Onyx. They both were super competitive when it came to base quest, that's why most of the time everyone put them on the same team so it wouldn't turn into a huge fight or a bet.

"Sounds fun," Thaila added as she glared at her brother.

"Okay but if you lose don't take it out on me." Avery sighed.

"No promises." Thaila added with a smirk.

"I think a bet sounds like a great idea." Onyx shrugged. "Unless you're too scared Stella."

"Never." Stella replied "Losers have to dye their hair spiky green for an entire day."

It wasn't the best idea if she were to lose but Stella really wanted to see Onyx with spiky green hair, it would make her day.

"Sounds good to me, can't wait to see you with green hair!" Onyx called as she reached out her hand to shake on it. Everyone else just stood there silently. They should've probably checked with the rest of the group to see if that was okay but it was too late for that, they had already solidified the deal.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to let this happen?" Kylo whispered to Avery though it was loud enough for Stella to hear.

"It's fine." Avery whispered back. "Let's just hope they won't be sore losers, because that's when something bad happens."

"I'd honestly look great with green hair." Thaila jumped in tossing her silky brown hair over her shoulder.

"Okay! Let's choose bases then." Avery said, trying to change the subject.

Stella immediately chose her favourite tree to be her team's base. It was easily the weirdest looking tree in the whole forest with its wrinkly braided bark and massive knobbly branches that Stella loved to climb.

"Okay, sounds good! Ready to lose sis?" Xander grinned excitedly. Onyx just rolled her eyes.

"Alright," Avery said, clearly eager to start the game "you know how this works, go hide and we'll come find you in a few minutes."

Once five minutes was up Stella's group went their separate ways to hunt down the other team. As Stella ran she could feel the cool air pushing in and out of her burning lungs. She ran up the hill, she heard sticks snapping under her feet as she drove her legs to go faster, the wind rushed past her and leaves hit her face as she leaped over logs and ducked under low hanging branches. Once she made it to the top of the hill, she looked around listening for noises coming out of the bushes. All she could hear was the distant sound of waves crashing and her sharp intakes of breath. Then she heard a branch snap to her left. As she looked down the hill she caught a glimpse of curly brown hair running up ahead.

She took off running using what her mom taught her about channeling, she pushed all of her energy into her sprint and before she knew it she had caught up to Kylo, just a few steps away. She pushed even harder and finally clapped him on the back as she came to a stop.

One down. Three to go.

"Wow you're fast" Kylo panted out of breath.

"Thanks, got to go!" Stella replied, taking off towards the base. She continued running, passing lots of different trees on the way, similar to her team's base. She was close. The sounds of the birds chirping filled her head. It was so peaceful. She spotted their base just up ahead and she took off towards it, just as she heard footsteps behind her. She spun around ready to attack when she noticed that it was Avery.

"Oh it's just you," Sella said, relieved as she walked over to him. 

"Have you tagged anyone?" he asked.

"Yeah I got Kylo out, you?"

"Great, I got Thaila," he smiled proudly. Of course he would target his younger sister.

Two to go.

Stella told herself over and over, then they would win. Her mind flashed an image of Onyx with green hair. That's what continued to motivate her.

"Wait!" Stella called as Avery turned to go. 

"Did Xander get anyone out yet?" She asked. She was so busy thinking about winning that she had forgotten to ask about the rest of her team.

"Oh right, Kiara got him out." Avery told her with an apologetic look.

"Ok I'm going back up the hill. You circle back and check on the base." Stella told Avery.

"You got it." he said as he ran away through the trees back towards the base. Stella turned around and headed back for the hill to keep a look out for Onyx or Kiara. Running up the hill the second time was a lot harder because she was more tired. When she was close to the top she stopped to listen. She heard nothing. She waited and waited, spinning her head in all directions to see if she could spot any possible movement or sound. Finally after a few minutes of nothing she decided to head back down the hill to find Avery. Then out of the corner of her eye she spotted two figures chasing after each other. She saw that Avory tagged Kiara.

"Yes!" they cheered.

One to go 

and out of nowhere Onyx came bolting through the trees. Before Stella could warn Avory, Onyx smacked him on the back.

"Ow" he cried.

"Looks like it's up to us now Stella" Onyx replied vigorously as she took off sprinting towards the base. 

will try to update soon!!! we have like 15 chapters written but are updating on the weekend so we have more time to write and don't get out of ideas. 

please let us know what you think! and pls check out these amazing kotlc fanfics below





thank you sm for reading xxx

word count : 1080

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