Chapter 5

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hi!, this chapter takes off right after the last chapter, base quest, if you don't remember what happened go back and re read chapter 4:) happy reading xx

Onyx was dangerously close to the base but Stella wasn't far behind her. The rest of her team was out so they couldn't help her. She channeled the last of the energy she had left into her legs to try to propel herself forward.

Almost there

She reached her hand out using up the last of her strength and tagged Onyx square in the middle of her back, right before she ran into the tree that they had called their base. Stella's team cheered and shouted that they had won.

"No way! I totally touched the tree before you tagged me Stella!" Onyx yelled.

"We clearly won, why are you being so difficult?!" Xander stated. Onyx was not happy that her brother was taking Stella's side, but they were on the same team.

"What, so you're just going to side with Stella on this?!"

Xander didn't reply; he simply just stayed quiet and stepped back to join the rest of their friends; he clearly didn't want to get involved any more than he already had. And almost right on cue Xander said "I don't want to pick sides between my sister and my friend." Onyx just huffed with an eye roll.

"Is no one else gonna say what they saw?" she growled. Everyone stayed silent until Avory added

"you guys need to work this out."

Why was her friend so difficult? Was it that hard to just admit that she lost?

Stella tried to stay calm but her friend was getting on her nerves, being so upset over a game.

"Onyx why are you so upset ughh it's just a game?" Stella asked, agitated.

"If it's just a game then admit that you lost and dye your hair, it's not that bad of a punishment compared to what we usually do!"

"OH MY GOD ONYX!" Stella snapped "I tagged you! Right before you touched the base!" Onyx did not seem convinced. Stella felt the fury of Onyx's outburst build in the back of her mind. She quickly fought it off.

"Why does it matter? Onyx it's just a game, like Stella said." Thaila argued.

"Because I touched the tree before you tagged me and we won! Kiara saw it right?" Onyx exclaimed, indicating Kiara.

"I don't want to get involved." Kiara said, folding her arms across her chest. Onyx groaned in frustration.

"Let's give them a little space for a minute." said Avory, guiding the rest of the group through the trees out of sight.

"What's going on with you? You were fine this morning." Stella said. Her anger at her friend was starting to cloud her vision but she quickly shook her head to keep her thoughts straight.

"What's going on with me?" Onyx asked, taken aback. "You're the one who was rude to me when we were choosing teams Stella" Onyx practically spat Stella's name like it was a dirty word. Stella had it.

"I was mad because you didn't speak up that you wanted to be on my team!" Stella yelled. She was fed up with Onyx's anger and her anger started to cloud her vision again, stronger this time. It took a lot more effort to shake it away.

"Maybe I didn't want to be on your team!" screamed Onyx.

That was when it happened. Something clicked in Stella's mind.

Something dangerous.

Something powerful.

And Onyx was going to pay.

Red rimmed her vision and this time she didn't try to shake the cloud of anger away. She let it engulf her and when she thought that she was going to burst with pressure, she pushed the anger out of her mind.

When the red cleared Stella's head pounded with a headache. She opened her eyes to see a figure on the ground writhing in pain,


What had she done?

sorry its so short and also for the cliffhanger...😭the next few are longer, promise 

tysm for reading!! new chapter out next sunday or maybe before...

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