~Chapter 11~

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omg its been forever so sorry! pls go back and read the last chapter bcuz u will probs be lost!!

Mom? I'm so sorry  Stella thought over and over.

The call felt like it disappeared as soon as it was thought but Stella knew her mom heard her, somehow. It took a long while before she heard a reply

Stella. There are people who need you. I need you.

I don't know the way back

I'll guide you. Follow my voice

I'm scared I don't want to leave the nook.

Stella, I believe in you. And with that Stella felt something, something warm as if a feeling, almost like an emotion blanketing her mind.


Her mom loved her. And at that moment was when the love felt the strongest.

The love surrounded Stella somehow pulling her up to the surface of her memories. She sensed that something had shifted back into place. She could feel that her mom wasn't alone. She knew that Fitz was with her because Stella recognized the overwhelming energy that coursed through her making the guilt that had been pressing down on her felt so much lighter.

Stella gasped as her eyes opened abruptly. She looked around her bedroom and up to see her parents and familiar faces staring over at her who were crying in relief.

"I'm so sorry"

* * *

Tears streaked down Stella's cheeks as everyone looked at her. She recognized Elwin and Livvy - the physician's, her parents and Fitz.

"Oh Stella we were so worried" Sophie cried as she wrapped her arms around her, Stella sank into the hug and let her tears stain Sophie's tunic.

"Even your mom, who fixes everything, couldn't figure it out. It took a long pep talk from me and Fitzy to get her out of her funk." Keefe laughed from where he stood next to Fitz a little further away. 

"Not that I didn't have faith your mom would bring you back" he added as he winked at Sophie, "but it wasn't looking so great." Her dad was still making jokes of course but she could see the unease in his eyes. He looked like he might be hiding something, but she was probably just thinking too much into it, he just seemed distant somehow. 

She'd seen the memory but she still didn't really understand his ability thing or if that was just some stupid dream- it probably was, Stella definitely wasn't going to bring it up. But it seemed so real. She knew her dad was an empath and would pick up on her emotion shifts, so she stopped thinking about that craziness and moved her head to rest on her moms shoulder and looked up at her 

"I'm so sorry" Stella replied as tears filled her eyes. "I didn't want you to worry but I didn't want to hurt anyone else. I thought it would be better this way."

"It's okay baby girl. How are you feeling?" Keefe asked, his ice blue eyes looking straight into Stella's. That's when she realized he was looking at her like he did the night at the beach in her memory, he was looking at her with so much love and happiness.

So they did always look at her like that. Stella answered for herself as the love surrounded her mind and she couldn't help smiling.

She knew her dad could feel her emotions but all he said was "You've been gone for quite awhile." as he made his way over to her side and joined the hug. The three of them together, just like in her memories. They were there for what felt like forever, clinging to each other. They only pulled away when Stella replied,

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