Character guide

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Sorry for forgetting about this important part!!! I'm sure you've kinda guessed the ships and the kids for this story but in case you forget or aren't quite sure here it is!!

Sophie + Keefe

-Stella Amy Sencen

Physical traits: Blonde hair & ice blue eyes with gold flecks.

Age: 10, not at foxfire yet (though you'll seeee).

Personality traits: Prankster like Keefe ofc!, hides behind her jokes, very clumsy, struggles with school. photographic memory.

Abilities: hasn't manifested yet....

Friends: Zephyr, Thaila, Onyx and more

Dex + Biana

-Xander Dizznee

Physical traits: Strawberry blonde hair & teal eyes .

Age: 10, not at foxfire yet.

Personality traits: Funny, works at slurps and burps with Dex and his Grandpa Kesler, loves making different elixirs and testing them on his twin sister Onyx.

Abilities: hasn't manifested yet

-Onyx Dizznee

Physical traits: strawberry blonde hair & periwinkle eyes .

Age: 10, not at foxfire yet.

Personality traits: loves to dress up like Biana, always bets on things with Stella, really smart, good at alchemy.

Abilities: hasn't manifested yet

Fitz + Marella

-Avery Vacker

Physical traits: light brown hair, teal eyes & same handsome features as Fitz.

Age: 13 (almost 14), lvl 3 at foxfire.

Personality traits: Very similar to Fitz, anger issues but he's learning to control them (thank god), good older brother. Fiery.

Abilities: Telepath

-Thaila Vacker

Physical traits: Mini Marella but with Fitz's dark hair.

Age: 11, lvl 1 at foxfire.

Personality traits: Gossip queen like Marella ofc!!, really sweet, short but feisty.

Abilities: hasn't manifested yet

Tam + Rayni (Glimmer)

-Kiara Song

Physical traits: Looks like Tam but has Rayni's silky black hair.

Age: 13, lvl 2 at foxfire.

Personality traits: Rayni's attitude, super understanding and nice. skeptical of people like Tam.

Abilities: Shade

Linh + Wylie

-Kylo Endal

Physical traits: spitting image of Wylie with Linh's silver blue eyes.

Age: 9, not at foxfire yet.

Personality traits: super cute and sweet, quiet but devoted and stubborn like Linh.

Abilities: hasn't manifested yet

Stina + Jensi

-Zephyr Heks

Physical traits: Brown wavy hair, navy blue eyes .

Age: 11, lvl 1 at foxfire.

Personality traits: more like Jensi than Stina, really nice and enthusiastic, awesome best friend to Stella and cares a lot. Can be a bit like his mom when he's a jerk.

Abilities: Empath

Most of them only have one kid because that's how it usually is in the Elvin world and we also didn't want to make it too confusing:) Also some stuff we can't add certain abilities because it will spoil, sorry! And we didn't add the friends for everyone because they are all pretty much a friend group and we didn't want to repeat it.

Really hope this helps!

-Eves & Izzy <3

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