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hello my loves!

didn't think i'd be coming back to this story, but here i am..

it's been years since i've last updated this fanfic, and with many discouraging words from commenters, i thought i never would.  however, even through it's discontinuation, HACKED still continues to grow and receive love from previous and new readers each and everyday.  i feel bad; guilty and disappointed in myself for not keeping it going, but i still had my reasons for ending it.

the whole basis of the story is just entirely wrong—damaging even, but i didn't think of that when i started it.  however, i was only 14 years old back then; too engulfed in the excitement of writing it, i didn't take a moment to step back and really look at the horrid message i was putting out there.  i still cringe looking at the unrealistic expectations of the story (not to mention my old writing).  then again, i'm reminded of what fanfics are: unrealistic adaptations of reality; a fantasy.

i'm not saying that you should romanticize the idea of hacking idols group chats.  in fact, you should resent the idea.  my 14-year-old self thought it would add to the comedy aspect of the story—the shock factor of it, more precisely.  however, due to the fact that i was 14 who had barely developed her writing skills, honing that idea and building upon it through the plot fell flat, creating a story that was even too unrealistic for fanfiction (i mean, how did they accept y/n so quickly???).  if i had it my way, i would rewrite the entire story; start from scratch again, but i know people love what i already have out there, so i refrain. 

part of me misses the story.  i miss the jokes, the characters, even the plot i was going for towards the end.  i miss writing it, laughing as i type up the conversations.  i miss all of you, my readers.  so, i would like to ask you all something. 

would you want me to bring it back?

(obviously, this would mean some changes would be made.  a disclaimer at the beginning for the hacking and heavy—but desperately needed—editing.)

thank you again for all of the support you've shown me, i love you all more than you could imagine.

with love,
dawn 💜

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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