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My hand hovers over the door as I ponder whether I should run away or knock. Since I've already ran once before, I felt obligated to knock, which my anxiety didn't quite like. Was this really a good idea? What if something goes wrong?

Together, we all decided that Hoseok would take me out first. Well, not really, they just played Rock Paper Scissors. Winner goes first, loser goes last.

I gulped before finally knocking on the door. To my surprise, it only took a few seconds before someone answered, but it wasn't Hoseok. Instead, it was Yoongi.

His eyes widen when he first saw me, "Y/n? What are you doing here?" he questions, analyzing my attire. Hoseok had asked me to wear something comfortable and summery, so Taylor let me wear her light blue, floral romper, accompanied with black sandals.  When Yoongi's eyes landed on my upper-torso, his cheeks flare and he immediately looks away, rubbing his neck.

I shoot him a confused look before realization dawns on me.

I had completely forgotten that this romper has a v-neck and that my cleavage was in full view.

why did you have to give me THIS romper, Taylor?

Yoongi clears his throat, breaking the awkward silence.  "S-So," he begins, still refusing to look at me, "what's the special occasion?  You never dress up like... that."

"Ah... well you see I—"

"She has a date with me," Hoseok interrupts, slipping past Yoongi and standing by my side. He drapes his arm over my shoulder and smiles down at me, "You look great by the way." I smile back at him, quietly thanking him.

"D-Did you say... date?" Yoongi sputters, looking like he just saw a ghost.  "Are you two... a thing now?"

My eyes widen and I immediately shake my head, "No no, we're not a couple!" I reply, shaking my hands frantically, "we're just... trying something new.  Right, Hoseok?"

The said boy stares at me blankly before smirking.  "Nah, we're totally a couple," he teases and I send a kick to his shin.  He yelps, quickly grabbing his shin before sending me a pout.

I roll my eyes and turn back to Yoongi, "He's just joking, we're not together."  Color comes back to his face and it almost seems like he... sighs in relief?  I stare at him confusedly, but quickly brush it off as my imagination. 

"Ah well, I should let you two go on your way then," Yoongi rubs his neck again, looking at the ground in... disappointment?  He turns to me with a small smile, "Just stay safe, okay?  Don't let him get all over you," he finishes, and Hoseok shouts in retaliation.

I scoff while walking backward as Hoseok begins to drag me towards the elevator, "Please, he won't get the chance!" I shout, and Hoseok shouts again.  Turning around, I smile at Hoseok as he continues to pouts while we walk to the elevator.  Before heading in, I turn to see if Yoongi was still at the door.  I spot him staring at the ground sadly before he turns back to his dorm.  I furrow my brows and continue to stare at where he once was.

"Y/n, hurry up and get on!" Hoseok yells, snapping me out of my trance.  Embarrassed, I quickly get on while Hoseok giggles at my flustered state.   "We're gonna be late if you keep freezing up like that!"

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