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     "Y/n?"  A deep, raspy voice rang out, startling me.  I slowly look up only to see Yoongi in a mask, staring down at me.

     "Uhh, sorry.  Me no speak Korean..... bye bye!"  I stand and try to sneak past him, but he grabs my wrist.

"Y/n, this is the last table we haven't checked. You can't fool me." He pulls his mask down, revealing the prominent smirk illuminating his features.

"If you don't stop smirking at me in two seconds, I will personally choke slam you through the wall." I hissed. He gulps before pulling his mask back up. He drags me over to six guys in masks and glasses, who I assume are the rest of BTS.

"Y/n!" One of them screams, who I guess is Hoseok. He attacks me in a hug, ignoring the jealous protests of the other members.

I stand awkwardly, not knowing how to function. Not knowing if I should hug him back.

What the fuck is happening right now? I scream internally as I ungainly pat his back. Someone clears their throat, causing Hoseok to laugh nervously and let go of me. Everyone stood there silently, not daring to speak. I could feel everyone staring at me. I clap my hands, snapping them out of their trance.

"Haha it was nice meeting you, but argh! Look at the time! I'm just gonna... BYE!" I waved goodbye before dashing out of the cafe. I don't care if I don't have a ride home, I'll walk for fuck sake. I kept running in the direction of my dorm, not looking back. Suddenly, an unrecognizable figure rushes past me. I snapped my head in the direction of where it came from, but it was already gone. I furrowed my eyebrows before slamming into what I thought was a pole.

"Ah fuck! My nose!" I cried out in pain as I clutched my nose.

"A-Ah, sorry Y/n!" A shaky voice rang out, making my eye widen.

The pole's speaking? Wait a minute... I snap my head up to look a the 'pole'. Lo and behold, Jungkook stands before me, staring down worriedly. He shifted nervously, causing me to jump. "The fuck?!" I scream, stumbling back into someone's chest. I squeaked, whipping ground in a karate pose. "I WILL CHOP A BITCH, DON'T TEST ME HOE!"

The person who I backed into was Taehyung. He giggled lightly before pinching my cheek. "Such a cutie!" He smiles widely.

My face heats up before I slap his hand away. "Are you guys seriously following me?!"

"We wouldn't have to if you didn't run away!" Jin yells, crossing his arms.

I huffed out in annoyance. "What do you want?" They all looked at each other before turning back to me.

"We want you to take off your mask!" Jimin says excitedly, smiling his eye smile.

     I groan in frustration.  "Fine!  If it'll get you to stop following me!"  I rip my mask off, revealing my face.  I boys stood still and stunned.

     "Wow Y/n, how come you were so self conscious about showing us how you looked like before?"  Namjoon breathes out with a smile.

     "Seriously, it's almost as beautiful as my handsome face."  Seokjin comments, running a hand through his hair.  "And that's saying something."

     "Oh shut it!"  I yelled, pulling my mask back up, trying to hide my embarrassment.  Even though my bright red ears gave me away.  "I'm not even remotely close to being pretty."

     "Yah, don't say things like that.  You're gorgeous."  Yoongi says reassuringly.  They all nod in agreement.

     "Thanks, but you really need to stop lying to yourselves."  I turn on my heel and started towards my dorm once again.  "And don't follow me this time!"


MochiJ renamed Y/n to PrettyGal!


Jfc why
I'm not prETTY

Istg Y/n, if you say you're not pretty or you're ugly one more time
I will find out where you live and I will beat you up

But that's iLLEEEeeeEEEGAL

Trust me when I say that he doesn't care


Can we just not talk about my nasty face pls
I literally look like this 🗿

I'll have you know, that is the sexiest emoji I've ever seen 😤✊


The exit is that way, sir

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The exit is that way, sir


Beomgyu's a cutie lolol ;)


~ dawn

~ dawn✨

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