twenty seven

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I can't believe I'm doing this.

After Taehyung convinced me to skip class, I immediately informed my professor that I had to leave because of an 'emergency'. Luckily, my creative writing professor is laid-back, so he just waved me off and gave me my assignment. If it were my literature professor, he would've made me stay longer for even thinking about leaving class.

Still, I really hate to skip class. This isn't my senior year of high school when I would skip class whenever I pleased, this is my future. I look back at the entrance, fidgeting with the strap of my bag.

maybe I should go back—

"Y/n?" a familiar and deep voice calls, catching my attention. I turn and see a smiling boy walking towards me.

wait a minute...

"Yejun?" I question and tilt my head, "what are you doing here?"

He chuckles lightly, now standing in front of me. "Well, I go here so.."

Embarrassed, my face heats up and I laugh awkwardly. "Sorry, it's just I've never seen you around here before."

He waves me off with a smile, "Don't worry, we only have one class together anyways."

"Really?" I question, "what class?"

"Literature," he grins, rubbing the back of his neck. "Professor Lee is so strict in that class, so I haven't gotten a chance to talk with you."

I frown and shift, pulling my bag up higher on my shoulder. "Still," I begin, "I feel bad for not noticing that you were there."

He laughs and kicks a pebble across the pavement, "It's fine, you seem to be in a different world in that class anyway. And besides, we have two different majors, so of course we're not gonna see each other." He shoves his hands in his jacket and sighs, "I'm only taking literature for my mom."

I glance at him for a moment before looking back down at my books. "So," I clear my throat, "what's your major?"

"I'm a sports major."

"A sports major?" I tilt my head and ask. Sports majors weren't really common at my university. You were either here to major in medical science, or you were an artsy rebel who just wanted a change. Me being the latter. Except I wasn't a rebel, I was a foreign girl who wanted to escape her hometown. "What do you play?"

"Basketball," he replies, still smiling. "You and Taylor should come watch me play sometime. I promise I'm not terrible," he finishes with a joke, laughing awkwardly.

I laugh at his nervousness and nod, "Yeah sure, I think I'd like that."

He smiles brightly, "Really?!" he shouts excitedly before dialing it down with a clear of his throat. "I mean yeah, cool. That's- That's cool." I chuckle at his flustered state, which causes him to grin widely, a dusting of pink spreading across his cheeks. "So," he starts, "what are you doing here? I've never seen you out here before."

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