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     "Are you sure this will work?" I ask, cautiously stepping out of the bathroom. Taehyung's plan was to have everyone act like my brother. They would approach me after I go back to the table and act furious. Then they would urge me to leave since our "mother" needed me.

Taehyung scoffs. "Of course it'll work! Just trust me!"

"How the fuck is this supposed to work?! None of you are my siblings, and plus I'm a foreigner!" I whispered harshly with a scowl.

"Hmm... maybe we'll just say you're adopted if he asks." Jimin suggests, to which everyone nods.

I sigh, running a hand through my hair. "Fine, this better work." I rushed back outside, zigzagging my way back to the table Yejun currently occupied. Once I was in his peripheral vision, he snapped his head up and smiled real big.

"Y/n! You're back!" He says excitedly, "I thought something bad happened, I was getting worried!"

     I laughed nervously, feeling guilty.  "WHAT?! Pfft no way!! I just tend to take awhile in the bathroom! Not that I have problems or anything! I- oh never mind." I slumped in my seat, trying to hide my embarrassment.

     Jeez, he probably think I'm constipated now. Please, hurry up guys!

As if God was answering my prayers, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I immediately light up, though push it down, replacing it with a blank expression. I turn to see the maknae line wearing masks while "glaring" at me. "Brothers? What are you guys doing here?" I acted, trying to not get caught.

Taehyung grunted. "The hell you think you're doing on a date Y/n?!" He crosses his arms, motioning towards Yejun with disapproving eyes.

I scoff. "I can date whoever and whenever I want. I'm literally 23 now!"  I cross my arms back, pouting at them.

     Jimin furrows his eyebrows.  "Doesn't matter!"

     A light smirk makes its way to Jungkook's face under the mask.  "Yeah!  And besides, you wouldn't want to keep our DYING mother waiting."

     Wait what.

      I could see Yejun's eyes widen from the corner of my eye. 

     Dear God, just end this already.

     I sigh sadly, going along with Jungkook's little game.  "Okay okay," I turn to Yejun, "I'm so sorry, but I really have to-"

     "Of course, please go!"  He stands up abruptly, motioning towards the door.  "I should be sorry for keeping you here so long!  Jesus, I'm so sorry Y/n, I had no idea!"

     I laughed nervously, glancing at Jungkook with a stank eye.  "It's fine!  I never told you anyways."

     You'll be dead after I get through you, little maknae.

A large hand suddenly gripped my shoulder, making me flinch.  I turn only to see Taehyung 'glaring' at me.  "We really need to go, Y/n."

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