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a serious beginning to a healing chapter.





"C'mon Y/n, pick up."




"..hello?" A soft voice speaks up.

"Y/n," he smiles in relief, "why haven't you been answering my calls? It's been a week with no response from you, I've been- no- we've been worried sick!" He pauses, "please just tell me you're alright.."

no response.

"Y/n?" he calls out, "are you still there."

no response.


"She hates me."

"What? Who?" he questions. Then, it clicks. "It didn't go well with Taylor.. did it?"

She laughs half-heartedly, "no, not at all. She hasn't been back to the dorm for a whole week." Y/n pauses, "she hasn't answered my text or calls... I just wanna know if she's alright."

He opens his mouth to speak, but a shocking sound stops him.

it was the sound of Y/n, sobbing.

"Please," her voice shakes, "please just tell me what I need to do. Tell me it'll be alright. Tell me things will go back to normal in no time." She chokes on a loud sob, "tell me that my best friend, for 14 years, doesn't hate me. Please, Jimin."

Jimin doesn't answer right away. He stands still with his phone glued to his ear, listening to her soft cries.

Instead of reassuring her, he replies with, "could you please come outside?"

Then, he hangs up.


first person pov

"What?" I stare at my phone with confusion. My vision was blurry from my watery eyes, but the empty screen told me that Jimin had hung up.

"Could you please come outside?"


My face was stained with tears and my nose was red and runny.  The last thing I wanted to do was leave my dorm.  In fact, staying in and crying myself to sleep sounded preferable over going out.  Besides, it was late, and cold.

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