twenty nine

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"Here's your ramen, dear," the elderly waitress says with a smile, placing the hot bowl in front of me and one for Taylor.  I sent her a smile, replying with a light "thank you" as she walks over to another customer.  Looking back at my ramen, I sigh contently, that is until I catch a glimpse of my phone.

It was turned over, it's front lying on the table.  I didn't want to see if any of the boys were texting me.  Not because I was avoiding them, well I kinda am, but I just didn't want to know if any of them had been hurt because of me.  I couldn't bear it, so I ignored it.

Picking up my chopsticks, I grab and slurp up some noodles, looking at the shops entrance every once an awhile.  I had just gotten finished texting Taylor a few moments ago, so I was anticipating her arrival.  If I was honest, I am hoping she takes a very long time to get here.  I even went as far as hoping her car broke down, just so I didn't have to do this.

why does everything have to be so complicated?

"Y/n!" I hear Taylor shout from outside the shop.  I snap my head to look out the window, only to see Taylor zoom past me and into the shop.  Her short, black, and curly hair bounces as she skips over to my booth, sliding onto the seat across from me.  She smiles at me brightly, "So," she picks up her chopsticks and digs into her ramen, "have you made a group chat with them yet?"

I frown, stirring my noodles, "No, not yet."

She mirrors my frown and rolls her eyes.  "You can't avoid them forever, Y/n.  Just make the group chat before I do it for you."  I sigh, hesitating for a moment before picking up my phone and opening my messaging app.  Quickly, I create the group chat, adding Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jungkook.  My finger hovers over the group call button. 

"I can't," I say, setting down my phone before running my hands through my hair.  "You sure we can't just pack up and move and forget that any of this happened?"

Taylor shoots me an incredulous look, "For the last time, we're not moving.  Just call them."

"I'm serious Taylor, I don't think I can."

"Sure you can," she smiles, sliding my phone towards me, "just pick up the phone and call them."

I stare down at my phone, dreading the small "call" button.  I look up at her honey eyes and pout, "But I'm scared."

Taylor rolls her eyes again.  "Fine," she snatches my phone, much to my dismay, "I'll just do it myself."

My eyes widen, "No, Taylor please don't!" I beg, but she had already press the call button. 

"There," she smiles, holding out my phone and waiting for me to take it.  When I shy away from it, she frowns.  "Hurry up and take it before one of them answers," she sneers, and I quickly take it.  I shakily brought the phone up to my ear, listening to it ring, praying that none of them answers, though not wanting them to be mad and ignore me. The phone clicks and I gulp, waiting for one of them to speak.


"ah... hi."

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