twenty five

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TW // mentions familial death and vvv sad.  read at your own risk (but if you wanna talk about it I'm always here🥺).



That's all I could hear when I entered the room.  Loud, booming punches being thrown at a boxing bag.  Still standing by the door, I contemplated whether I should continue on or run through the exit.  Fortunately for me, the door only led to a small hallway, which contained the locker room, so I couldn't see Jungkook just yet.  Unfortunately, the loud click of the door shutting gave away my presence. 

The punches came to a stop, "Who's there?" Jungkook's voice echos in the small room.  Mentally cursing at myself, I step out of the small hallway and into the workout area.  Once I'm in his view, his eyes widen slightly, surprised that I was standing before him.  My eyes widen as well as I stared at his attire.  Baggy grey joggers with a loose white tank top, which complimented his masculine features and tattoos greatly.  Feeling my face grow slightly red, I immediately look down at my feet.  He steps away from the boxing bag and fully faces me.

"Uhm, hello," I reply quietly, thinking I might scare him away if I speak too loud.

"Y/n.." he breathes out, his eyes still wide, "what are.. what are you doing here?"

I look up and lock my eyes with his.  "We need to talk, Jungkook," I state, taking a step towards him.

He takes a step back and turns to the boxing bag, "We have nothing to talk about," he replies, getting ready to throw a punch.

I frown and began walking towards him, "Look, I know you're mad, but you need to tell me why.  You can't just avoid talking to me about it."

Jungkook hits the boxing bag sharp and hard before sending me a sideways glance.  "Watch  me," he says, hitting the bag again.

He continues on throwing punches at the bag as I walk and stand right next to him.  My frown deepens when he ignores my presence.  "Jeon Jungkook, look at me," I say sternly, slightly narrowing my eyes at him.

He ignores me again, only quickening his punches.

Clenching my jaw, I move behind the bag and pull it back and away from him. I scowl, "I said look at me." As soon as I pulled the bag away, he immediately dropped his hands and stiffened. As my face softens, I slowly put the bag back in its original place. "Now," I start and take a step closer to him, "please talk to me."

He steps back and averts his gaze to anywhere but me. I could tell he was nervous based on the the color of his ears; bright red.

"It's just," he starts, rubbing the back of his neck, "you were a fan before we met.  You seem to know everything about me, and yet, I only know your personality over text," he pouts and crosses his arms.  "It's not fair, you never tell me anything."

I smile lightly, "Jungkook—"

"And then you disappeared for a week and a half.  I texted and called you, but you just wouldn't answer," he interrupts with a frown.  "You totally shut me out, Y/n.  All I wanted to do was help you.  All I want to do is get to know you."

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