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Hello ma'am, are you perhaps Y/n?

yep that's me :)
you must be bts' manager, correct?

Please send me your full name and address.

sure thing
My full name is Y/n L/n
and my address is  XXXXXXX XX

Thank you.
I will be in the alley way near your dorm in approximately 8 minutes.
Please be ready.

sorry for all of the trouble I'm causing

Ha, only the boys cause me trouble.
This is only a little pickup.
See you in a bit, Ms. L/n.

yeah, see ya


"Y/n? Where are you going?" Taylor questions.  My hand rests on the doorknob as I turn to face her.  There she sat at the dinning room table, staring at me with a cocked eyebrow.

     I cleared my throat.  "Oh you know, just going out for a stroll."  I smiled nervously.  "I just need some fresh air."

     Taylor stares at me with suspicion.  She crosses her arms, "Okay... how long will you be gone?"

      "I'm not sure.. I may come back late."

     Taylor furrowed her brows.  "How long are you planning to walk?  Wait, why are you even walking?  You hate exercise."

     Shit, I forgot that I'm not in shape.  I laughed nervously, finally letting go of the doorknob.  "Well you see, um, I'm meeting up with my friends I met at the basketball game!"

"The friends who helped you lie to Yejun?"

I gulp, "Yes?" I say, it coming out as a question.

Taylor smiles, standing up excitedly. "Let me come with you!"

Fuck.  I pause, "Well you see- um. Wait why do you want to go?"

She shrugs, "I don't know, maybe it's because I want to see whoever helped you make that master plan." She pauses, "And because they might be cute."

Oh you have no idea.

I laugh nervously before clearing my throat. "I don't know, they're pretty stand-off-ish with new people. You know, like me?" God, I hated this. I hated having to do this, to lie to her. I mean, she's my best friend, my sister even. Never in my life have I had to lie to her. I've always been straightforward with her, truthful and loyal. So why do I feel the need to lie to her now?

Taylor pouts, slowly sitting back down. "Okay, but if there's a next time I'm going. No exceptions."

I smile and nod, "I know."

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