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Author's note: Before you start I just need to let you know that there is fluff, very strong language, violence and a suicide attempt as well as death so please don't read if you're uncomfortable with any of those things. Thank you. :) 

It was an ordinary evening in Yokohama. The sun was setting behind the city scape turning the usually dull, mundane concrete from its sad grey to a nice warm orangey glow. A boy with white hair and tattered clothes sat by the river pondering his existence and how to get some food when there were legs in the river?! Yep. Someone was drifting down the river. The boy jumps in and drags the person from the river. He was wearing a smart black trench coat over the top of a suit with an obsidian waist coat. You could hardly call him a person however, a mummy would be more suited as the young man was bandaged from head to toe. He sits up gasping for breath and coughing up water from his lungs trying to clear his air way. 

"I'm alive?...Drat...Tell me. Are you the one who interrupted my submersion?" He stands up and looks accusingly down at the boy with a strange sense of authority.                                                              

"A-are you scolding me for...saving you?" The boy stands up wobbling slightly and looks at the stranger, they're both soaking wet to the bone with ice-cold river water.                                                    

 "Yes that is exactly what I'm doing." He looks at the pathetic excuse for a boy who saved his life with cold eyes despite their warm toffee colour.                                                                                                    

"S-suicide?!" He's so shocked he almost falls over again with exhaustion.                                            

The young man casually shrugs. "Sure. But anyway, what are you doing here?" His tone is light and calm but his whole demeanour seems off somehow though the boy can't figure out why.        

"Well I got kicked out of my orphanage about 2 weeks ago so I was just finding somewhere to sleep...why?"                                                                                                                                                                            

This seems to have peaked the stranger's interest. "Really?...Well today might just be your lucky day!"                                                                                                                                                                                          

"W-Huh? What do you mean?" The boy's surprise and shock was evident in his reaction to the stranger's kind yet somewhat presumptuous statement.                                                       

"Well,'ve got nowhere to go. Right?" Looking down at him with curiosity burning in his eyes, his reaction is slow and hesitant. Much like that of a deer seeing something new, afraid that it's going to pounce any second, or perhaps that of a cat toying with a mouse.


"Well..." Seeming thoughtful, momentarily resting a hand on his chin then he appears to have come to a conclusion. 

"You could come back with me?" The young man watches the boy's reaction with eyes as sharp as flint.                                

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