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the all brunet wakes up and grumbles quietly to himself as a shaft of light made its way through the curtains right into his toffee coloured eyes making him squint. He slipped out of the covers the slight motion waking his partner who grumbled groggily and walked out of the room to take a shower. Dazai got dressed into his usual attire for work which was bound to get trashed again today but he didn't care. Over breakfast Dazai decides to discuss the plan for surveillance that evening. 

"So basically, the plan is to go to one of the main ports which feeds into the gem channels as that's where they've been attacked before and wait to see who the killer is. It'll be up to the pair who see something to act and decide what to do." Puts his bowl in the sink resting his elbows on the table as Chuuya finishes eating.

"And the actions would be ideally?..."

"Capture them, get information then kill them."

"Sounds like a plan." He washes out his and Dazai's bowl while the later smirks as Chuuya does most of the house work while he can lounge around being lethargic and lazy as normal. Gin's partner...who's that? I never heard of her having a partner before."

"Ah yes. That would be kitten."

"Right that's it. I quit." 

"Oh don't be like that Chibi.~ She's strong and is very good at what she does. Give her a chance."

"Oh great it's like when we were 15 all over again. " Sighs exasperated lost in his own begrudging thoughts and woes about having to see the little cat girl again.

"Awwwww~ Don't be like that.~ She's not like that on a job. She's normally rather quiet." Dazai snakes his arms around Chuuya's tiny waist hugging him from behind his chin resting on the ginger's soft hair who chuckles sarcastically.

"Oh we'll see about that."

"Which means I'll be right will I or will I not? Hmmm?~"

The ginger stayed quiet for a little while which wasn't like him during which the morning rays danced on the dust particles in the air and everything was quiet and seemingly holding it's breath while the red-head thought. "You're maddening ya know that?" Turns around to face Dazai who just holds his partner's waist.

"Mmmh.~ What are you trying to imply there?~"

Chuuya clenches his fists the fabric of his gloves giving out a slight squeak. "I-oh there's no point wasting my breath." His hands relax again although his facial expression speaks a different story. Dazai chuckles amused how after almost a decade of working together he'd final worn down Chuuya's temper as many a-time before he'd wasted so much energy for no reason which occasionally left him fatigued afterwards. He rolls his striking eyes causing the other to think just how lucky he was that his partner always put up with his stupid antics and suicidal tendencies. A thought crosses his mind and smirks at the idea of it coming to life. 

"You're so cute when you're annoyed.~"

"I am NOT cute!!!." 

"Oh but you're adorable~" 

"Shut it shitty Dazai"

"Awwwwwww~ Is that the best insult you can come up with?~"

Chuuya looks at Dazai his ocean eyes like chips of ice. "No but I don't want to start another argument."

Dazai nods thoroughly amused and moves closer to the short-tempered red-head. "Wise choice.~"

"Don't patronise me."

"Oh you know I wouldn't dream of such a thing.~" Dazai continues to get closer. Chuuya rolls his eyes looking away folding his arms over his chest. Dazai reaches out a soft hand and gently grabs Chuuya's chin turning his face so he looks up at him. "Stop hiding your face from me. I wanna look at you when we speak.~"

Shadow Reaper - Soukoku - What if Dazai stayed in the Port Mafia?...Where stories live. Discover now