7 o'clock that evening

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Chuuya walks in his clothes all bloodied and his body presumably bruised and he looked thoroughly ticked off rather than the rest in fed-up look. Dirt smeared his clothes and feminine face. Scarlet flecked his cheek and tears peppered his smart clothes. Dazai opened his eyes at the heavy foot falls and slamming of the door. 

"Job?" His tone was apathetic and his gaze bored. He wasn't worried because he knew Chuuya. The mafioso's worst injury would be a couple of bumps and a scratch at most.

"How'd ya guess?" His tone was irritated and he gave Dazai a sarcastic smile before turning back to thunderous frown. 

"I thought it was your day off." He tilted his head in mild curiosity. 

"Smugglers pissin' around with one of our channels messing up the flow of black-market gems." 

"Well that's tiresome."

"Whaaaatever." He draws out the 'a' as if he's almost debating wether it was worth saying the last part of the word but said it anyway. He kicked of his shoes, not caring where they landed (which for the record was nearly Dazai's head) and he walked into the bathroom slamming the door behind him making the whole apartment quiver and Dazai's ear-drums to give a little protest of pain. After about 20 minuets the ginger walked out with a towle around his waist and put clean clothes on in their bedroom. He walked out again his expression slightly less annoyed but he still had his rest-in frown. 

"Chilled out yet?" This innocent question was met with s deeper scowl and an icy glare. "Bloody hell! Only asking. Keep your hair on!" At this Chuuya makes a very short, vey mumbled and vey begrudging apology. He knew Dazai didn't care but he still felt bad for being quite so unnecessarily rude. "What happened that was that bad anyway?"

"Boss said I might be working with Neko more." He said it through a clenched jaw and pulled a face as if every word in that sentence had an acrid taste. 

Chuckling, Dazai responded with little sympathy. "That would do it." He had a cute and entertained smile on his lips softening his cold, pale and rather ghost like features. Chuuya grumbled softly and slumped down on the sofa beside Dazai. "Oh you know she really isn't that bad most of the time. She just tests new people out is all."

He arched a vexed brow. "She's got an attitude, likes annoying people, a temper as bad as mine is cocky, I could quite happily go on if you want me to?"

Dazai snickered softly. "Yeah, she is like that a lot."

Another grumble and a sigh escaped Chuuya. "7 hours my ass."

"Ya know, it's not going to change anything grumbling about it so why don't you not think about it?"


Dazai sighs softly. "Whelp, half hour to go." He seemed bored and stared numbly up at the ceiling. 

"Anythin' ya wanna do then?" Dazai instantly sat up and pressed their lips together causing Chuuya to yelp ever so slightly in surprise at the suddenness. However, he soon slipped into his partner's touch and they stayed like that for a blissful half hour before pulling away breathlessly and got ready and walked out the door without saying another word. 

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