Mori's Office

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The brunet knocks on the door and steps inside once he hears Mori's voice on the other side of the door. 

"You wanted me to report Boss."

"Ah yes how was he?"  He interlaces his fingers under his chin and rests his elbows on the desk.

Dazai walks over to the desk."He's a fast learner. We taught him how to fight so he can look after himself. Wasn't too bad. With more practice he could get quite good at it."

"Important isn't it?" He inspects Dazai's clothes closer  seeing that they're cover in dirt and dried blood. He has bruise on his nose and probably  a few on his body under his clothes as well. 

"I take that." Gestures at him. "Was Nakahara or he's really goo at fighting." He smirks pushes his hair up and off  face. 

Dazai sighs. "No that was Chuuya."

Mori smiles almost evily. "How is it anyway?" He tilts his head to one side watching Dazai.

"Seriously?" He raises a dark brow.

"Yeah. So?" 

"Good but I wish to not discuss it further." He crosses his arms folding them over his chest.

"That's curious. Nakahara said the same thing." His smirk returns.

Dazai couldn't hide his surprise. "He did?" 

"He didn't want to discuss it as well." Sighs and shrugs. "You two are no fun."

Dazai rolls his eyes his expression full of disdain. Mori continues ignoring his subordinate's attitude "Seriously though, you would tell me if anything happens." 

Dazai grumbles and begrudgingly 'agrees' with no intent on acting on it what so ever. "Fine."

Mori smiles devilishly. "You are dismissed." 

Dazai dips his head and walks out. He walks through the maze of corridors heading for the exit of the building.

 He walks through the maze of corridors heading for the exit of the building

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