A Park Somewhere in Yokohama

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Neko's sitting on a pebbly beach looking out across the ocean with the moon shining bright above the water. Little specks of stars flicked onto the inky sky giving out a small glow along with the moon lighting up the woods behind her causing loads of shadows to dance under the canopy. A gentle breeze drifts by. She sighs and speaks without turning around. 

"I see you found me."

A dark, shadowy figure walks out from underneath the trees. "How could I forget?" He smirks.

She rolls her eyes. "You'd better have a good excuse for disturbing me."

He sits down beside her. "I wanted to see how you were." His voice is calm and genuine.

She scoffs. "Since when?"

"Since your past was brought up."

"Yeah well? I'll live."

Looks at her with concern in his auburn eyes. "Neko, they're trying to break you."

She turns away pulling her knees into chest. "I know, I'm not oblivious."

"Then I trust you won't do anything stupid."

Smirks amused. "Have I ever?"

Dazai chuckles warmly with it sounding genuine.


He looks at her. "You're always getting into trouble!"

She pretends to be offended by this putting a hand to her chest. "I don't know why you'd say such a thing!"

Chuckles some more. "When we first met I was 18 and you were 12. You had a broken leg and dared me to fight you even though you could barely stand. You even knew I was a Port Mafia Executive as well."

"I didn't know what you wanted and I was being hunted and I thought the Mafia was evil!"

Chuckles. "Oh you made that quite clear." Nudges her with his shoulder. She nudges him back then he reciprocates. "I reckon you have a different opinion now."

Neko chuckles. "Yeah."

"Well I'm glad you're ok."

"Thanks...you used to be so cold what happened?"

Sadness shadows his face. "...Oda died."

"I'm so sorry...I forgot." Sighs. "You aren't the only one who misses him so you don't have to suffer alone or in silence."

He smiles softly. "You two used to get on so well. You were very close."

"How could we not be?"

"Good point."

Neko sits in quiet contemplation staring out over the water. She leans a little closer to Dazai their shoulders touching. Dazai puts an arm around her shoulders and she rests her head on his shoulder. He looks down at her then rests his chin on her head their eyes closed. Dazai kisses the top of her head then stands up leaving her in silence.

 Dazai kisses the top of her head then stands up leaving her in silence

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